The privatization of magenta
When everything was finished and while the first fires were lit in the light of sunset flushed, the fez and trousers of the Zouaves exhausted by fatigue, open shirts on breasts rattling, the ground soaked with blood, boots, bayonets, the hands, the whole world seemed to be colored red, a red so deep that the world would be if you forgot. And so, a few months later, when he discovered the first artificial dye-based aniline, which he soon replaced the "red turkish "extracted from the madder dye just like the trousers of the Zouaves, François-Emmanuel Verguin called it" magenta ".
were those, years in which men seemed that a better future was at hand. The story was finally set in motion, threw the light of science lightning that pierces the darkness of ignorance, and all the chains that oppress humanity seemed they were about to break.
Even the colors seemed to want to participate in the redemption of the old.
In 1856, three years before the Battle of Magenta, mauve Perkin "was the first artificial dye to be produced. I had always been red color expensive for the rich and powerful: the emperor and the Roman senators were dressed in precious purple, the Rubia tinctorum the kermes el'iperico had done for centuries, the fortunes of the medieval dyers who extracted the red madder, carmine and the "blood of St. John" and sold the pieces of cloth stained red at a price ten times higher than the already expensive dyes with blue, garnet extracted from the cochineal nopal (the one commonly called "prickly pear" ) collected in the Mexican city of Oaxaca, with gold and silver was considered one of the main treasures that the English imported from the Americas. The
coloranti artificiali permisero ai miserabili di vestirsi di rosso: era un po’ come se avessero conquistato il cielo. Inorriditi dall’idea di confondersi con il volgo i nobili e i ricchi volsero allora le loro preferenze ai grigi, ai neri e alle tinte pastello. Il rosso, che era già considerato un segno di sfida, avrebbe da allora in poi rappresentato le cause popolari e il cuore, la passione e il mettere a disposizione delle ragioni degli oppressi il proprio sangue. Senza queste nuove, economiche tinture artificiale, di lì a poco i vessilli rossi non avrebbero sventolato sulle barricate della Comune di Parigi. E Garibaldi non avrebbe potuto permettersi quel gesto di sfida e di gioia che era indossare la camicia rossa.
T-Mobile è a company of Deutsche Telecom in charge of mobile telephony in the Register of European patents is the color magenta on its property with the code 002534774 CTM award. The T-Mobile has sued other companies that had used the magenta in their logos on their packaging . Many people have rebelled against what is perceived as an intolerable expropriation ( , ).
Companies will have the right to record evidence of identity and because these companies can differentiate their products from those of competition is a guarantee for consumers who need to be certain of the provenance of what they buy. Is allowed to register and exclusive use of logos, packaging, typefaces and colors alone or in combination, jingle, music, in short any "sign" can be patented.
But a color as such, that is not defined by graphical shapes, can be considered a sign? In
linguistic "sign" means an entity composed of a signifier and meaning, united by a code. That a color per se could be a sign to all intents and purposes we realize when we avoid the red cross (I realize that This example may seem to those who live in Molfetta of limited validity). But when the law recognizes that a color in the abstract can be considered a sign (and you do not see how he can avoid doing so) that happens, because the colors displayed on a monitor are 16,777,216 (printable ones and much less ) and that on this planet we are six billion, if all we wanted a color claim to exclusive use, there would not be enough. Without prejudice to the principle
therefore necessary to understand how to handle it. The case is moving right between the need to protect the identity of the equally good products need to prevent the unrestricted freedom of some mini freedom and the rights of many. Limit the commodity sector for the exercise of exclusive rights, consider the main colors of essential result, grant registration only color already commonly regarded as uniquely related to a brand: try all ways, the results uncertain.
Kraft won in 1995, the registration of the pack of typical lilac Milka chocolate, claiming the exclusive use for any product made with chocolate was the first color mark-legally protected in Europe.
But always, Kraft Foods, the American food giant, has recently recovered from a domain French seamstress whose name is just "milk". The Tribunal de Grande instance di Nanterre ha dato ragione al gigante dell'agroalimentare, condannando Milka Budimir a cedere la proprietà del nome di dominio alla multinazionale. A nulla è servito che il nome della donna fosse proprio “Milka” e che non facesse la cioccolataia.
"In questo caso, si trattava di decidere se il titolare di un marchio può proibire a un terzo l'utilizzo di un segno distintivo - ha commentato Gérard Haas, avvocato della signora Budimir -. I giudici hanno ritenuto che l'identità del nome non dia alcun diritto nel mondo degli affari e in materia di diritto commerciale. Il marchio trionfa. Non abbiamo ancora deciso se faremmo appello".
Monday, December 10, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Dry Mouth Before Period
after the battle" A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose "
rains for several days that have finally started to fall and the air flushed less than twenty African countries have allowed the stench of exhaust gases over on the resumption of canine faeces and garbage left to ferment in the corners where the sweeper does not fail to arrive, and so the big topic of the summer Molfettese was declassified theme of secondary importance, waiting for the early blossoming of almond trees near the nth messengers hurried spring, which in turn precede the heat of another summer century, the topical overs. ASM
structural inadequacy or lack of education of the citizens, the tragic decline the virtues or shortcomings of municipal staff, overtime is no longer paid or decline of a culture that loved the road as if it were an extension of the hearth, the fact is that, in the squares and not virtual, the molfettesi you are passionate about and divided into bottles beer and abandoned litter, cigarette butts and plastic bags fluttering in short, to waste.
An argument difficult to determine because in truth, perhaps it will seem strange, what a waste it's not an easy thing to say. The condition of waste is not an objective state like that of a rose is a rose because it is a rose. A rejection implies the cessation of desire to have an object that is so, in fact, "refused" to become a "thing exposed," res nullius, that would be a wreck at the mercy of currents and waves if there were no laws governing the matter and establish responsibilities and duties of a parent Act refusal.
course, the life of the objects is quite varied: not all objects are expected to become garbage and those who do it in time and become very different ways. Take a particular case but significant: a book can never become waste, or can do in a short time: the object itself does not depend on the quality of paper or binding, but its content, its value in short symbolic.
In a sense, the same goes for any object: the so-called "consumer society" claim that the symbolic value of objects declines rapidly, well before the use-value. "We live in a less materialistic society that has ever existed," he once said Raymond Williams: increasing speed, in fact, we devour symbols. The relentless decline of the complacency with which the mobile monster bought a few months ago means his gradual but inevitable turn into a waste long before the object stops working: it is the time to consume it desires accelerated fed commercials and lists of bag to keep up. But
even if the wear is only semantics, does not mean no impact on the portfolio. A car loses commercial value in a predictable and easily calculated by the insurance companies even when left unused in the garage. And his impairment does not stop when it becomes equal to zero: it can also be negative. Waste, once baptized these are exactly that: "negative assets" objects, that is, to get rid of them we are willing to pay.
In Italy there is a date, 1982, and a presidential decree, the 915, that form the watershed.
Before there was no difference between waste from the production or consumption, and the community shouldered the responsibility the cost of disposing of both. Once there was a dual system for municipal waste, the disposal of which remained the responsibility of municipalities, and for those special or industrial, that should be disposed of by those who produce them. "Polluter pays" principle is the right which was inspired by the law. This has created a market in which goods "rejected" are reborn as commodities, but as is the rule of reason and the market for each company tries to reduce costs, and sometimes it can happen that he who occupies the role that is called to pursue the savings can be induced by circumstances galeotte to avoid getting too many scruples, 1982 was also the date of birth dell'ecomafia.
But this is not the story I wanted to tell, at least not today. I wanted instead to talk about this wonderful ability that man has to give names to things and names to give them life and meaning. It seems magic, do not you agree? Close to the people of Nairobi dump Koroghoco renamed with new names and so the waste of the world survive. As a shaman Duchamp pronounced new names for things and instilled a different life in urinals and bicycle wheels. Stealing words to Erasmus advertisers convince us of the folly of what is reasonable self made love to dream of running fast imagine living in a less claustrophobic. Except that comes from tombs and cities buried under lava and ashes, what we expose in the caskets of our precious archaeological museums comes from landfills: Any object can be a future of redemption and rebirth. Baudelaire was right: truly "we will wander like ghosts in a forest of symbols".
structural inadequacy or lack of education of the citizens, the tragic decline the virtues or shortcomings of municipal staff, overtime is no longer paid or decline of a culture that loved the road as if it were an extension of the hearth, the fact is that, in the squares and not virtual, the molfettesi you are passionate about and divided into bottles beer and abandoned litter, cigarette butts and plastic bags fluttering in short, to waste.
An argument difficult to determine because in truth, perhaps it will seem strange, what a waste it's not an easy thing to say. The condition of waste is not an objective state like that of a rose is a rose because it is a rose. A rejection implies the cessation of desire to have an object that is so, in fact, "refused" to become a "thing exposed," res nullius, that would be a wreck at the mercy of currents and waves if there were no laws governing the matter and establish responsibilities and duties of a parent Act refusal.
course, the life of the objects is quite varied: not all objects are expected to become garbage and those who do it in time and become very different ways. Take a particular case but significant: a book can never become waste, or can do in a short time: the object itself does not depend on the quality of paper or binding, but its content, its value in short symbolic.
In a sense, the same goes for any object: the so-called "consumer society" claim that the symbolic value of objects declines rapidly, well before the use-value. "We live in a less materialistic society that has ever existed," he once said Raymond Williams: increasing speed, in fact, we devour symbols. The relentless decline of the complacency with which the mobile monster bought a few months ago means his gradual but inevitable turn into a waste long before the object stops working: it is the time to consume it desires accelerated fed commercials and lists of bag to keep up. But
even if the wear is only semantics, does not mean no impact on the portfolio. A car loses commercial value in a predictable and easily calculated by the insurance companies even when left unused in the garage. And his impairment does not stop when it becomes equal to zero: it can also be negative. Waste, once baptized these are exactly that: "negative assets" objects, that is, to get rid of them we are willing to pay.
In Italy there is a date, 1982, and a presidential decree, the 915, that form the watershed.
Before there was no difference between waste from the production or consumption, and the community shouldered the responsibility the cost of disposing of both. Once there was a dual system for municipal waste, the disposal of which remained the responsibility of municipalities, and for those special or industrial, that should be disposed of by those who produce them. "Polluter pays" principle is the right which was inspired by the law. This has created a market in which goods "rejected" are reborn as commodities, but as is the rule of reason and the market for each company tries to reduce costs, and sometimes it can happen that he who occupies the role that is called to pursue the savings can be induced by circumstances galeotte to avoid getting too many scruples, 1982 was also the date of birth dell'ecomafia.
But this is not the story I wanted to tell, at least not today. I wanted instead to talk about this wonderful ability that man has to give names to things and names to give them life and meaning. It seems magic, do not you agree? Close to the people of Nairobi dump Koroghoco renamed with new names and so the waste of the world survive. As a shaman Duchamp pronounced new names for things and instilled a different life in urinals and bicycle wheels. Stealing words to Erasmus advertisers convince us of the folly of what is reasonable self made love to dream of running fast imagine living in a less claustrophobic. Except that comes from tombs and cities buried under lava and ashes, what we expose in the caskets of our precious archaeological museums comes from landfills: Any object can be a future of redemption and rebirth. Baudelaire was right: truly "we will wander like ghosts in a forest of symbols".
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Cubefield Cheats And Glitches
is the 25th of August that the thermometers hottest summer ever recorded no signs yet to finish, so hot that summer on July 2 the National Hydrocarbons Agency has Eni launched the initiative takes off his tie inviting their employees to Rome and to dress in San Donato Milanese way cooler.
On July 16 the minister Livia Turkish invited the Italians to do without the tie in the workplace in order to "produce an immediate drop in body temperature evaluated from 2 to 3 degrees Celsius, with the benefit of the organism and resulting in less need of relief allowing a more judicious use of artificial air conditioning, to the benefit of energy saving and environmental protection. " The next day it was the turn of Pecoraro Scanio: "I appreciate the invitation of Turkish Livia not to use the ties during heat waves like the one that is investing in our country these days: in addition to lowering the temperature body, with beneficial effects on health of non-use of the tie can "lift" the air conditioners a few degrees, with a considerable saving of energy and a consequent reduction of the share of CO ². I hope all my fellow ministers to adapt by giving an indication to staff of its ministries to remove his tie, for the welfare of employees and the environment. " Ben
two Ministers of the Republic have in fact felt the need to intervene to try to convince the Italians to draw the obvious conclusions from what they already know and that is that in summer, with the tie, it is hotter and, therefore, would make more sense without it.
Actually, it would other reasons, and equally valid, to invoke the abandonment of the accessory: trope knots tight and stiff shirt collars can cause an increase in intraocular pressure and increase the risk of glaucoma, the ties tend to dangerously entangled in mobile devices, in fan blades, for example, or the cooling fan on the car when trying to add oil to the engine is hot and, according to the British Medical Association, the tie is dangerous even for those not wearing it: coming soon washed over other clothing is a dangerous vehicle for pathogens waved for more doctors in the face of their patients.
And, on the other hand, what's the point? È singolare come una cosa così inutile e molte volte scomoda come la cravatta sia potuta diventare sinonimo di eleganza, mentre la natura stessa dell’eleganza vien spesso ricercata nella misura e nell’economicità funzionale dei gesti rispetto ai fini (è questo che si intende quando si definisce “elegante” una mossa nel gioco degli scacchi o una dimostrazioni matematica o un’azione calcistica). È singolare anche che la cravatta si sia affermata pienamente come oggetto di moda proprio dopo essere stata esibita come vessillo del dandismo, in opposizione alla moda di fin de siècle : la cravatta, di tutti gli elementi che formano la toeletta del dandy è il più significativo perché è "As close to nothing": a banner of freedom and rebellion became a symbol of ostentatious bourgeois conformism.
The transition to a market economy in China has been accompanied by the abandonment of the classical Maoist uniform and its replacement with a jacket and tie in the Senate can not be accessed without a tie (he remained a popular - decorated with drawings of Pigs - worn by the Spurs League) and the large openings of the Confraternity of St. Stephen's coat, which once served to show the shining armor of the nobility, reveal today jackets and ties. Koizumi
Two years ago, long before then the Turkish and Pecoraro Scanio, has invited the Japanese to togliersi la cravatta dal collo; diligenti gli abitanti del Sol Levante hanno ubbidito. Ma la cosa deve averli poco convinti se in quel paese un’azienda ha pensato bene di mettere in commercio un singolare oggetto: un plasticoso simulacro tecnologico che della cravatta ricorda la forma e che viene indossato nella stessa posizione a coprire i bottoni della camicia, ma che incorpora un ventilatore. Nessuna persona sana di mente penserebbe mai di indossare un oggetto simile se non per scherzo o sotto la spinta di una forte costrizione. E in effetti non v’è dubbio che spesso le cravatte siano vissute come oggetti transizionali, coperte di Linus, indispensabili punti fermi per cercare di dare un punto di stabilità alla propria personalità.
La parola “cravatta” deriva dalla francesizzazione della parola slava “krvat”, cioè “croato”. Il Royal Cravatte era un reggimento slavo che combatteva per Luigi XIII e che portava come segno di riconoscimento una fascia colorata intorno al collo. “Segnare” con corde o lacci colorati polsi, caviglie, parte inferiore del ginocchio, omeri, collo, fronte, è sempre stato un modo per affidare alla protezione divina i punti deboli.
Un ricordo di questa abitudine lo si ritrova durante la sagra della Madonna dei Martiri quando i devoti si lanciano in mare dalle barche con strisce di stoffa colorata legate intorno ai “restringimenti del corpo”. I croati, da secoli impegnati in guerra contro i turchi, asking God's protection over what they feared most to lose under the blows of the Muslim scimitars.
The next time you put on a tie, ricordatevene. But wait until the autumn.
On July 16 the minister Livia Turkish invited the Italians to do without the tie in the workplace in order to "produce an immediate drop in body temperature evaluated from 2 to 3 degrees Celsius, with the benefit of the organism and resulting in less need of relief allowing a more judicious use of artificial air conditioning, to the benefit of energy saving and environmental protection. " The next day it was the turn of Pecoraro Scanio: "I appreciate the invitation of Turkish Livia not to use the ties during heat waves like the one that is investing in our country these days: in addition to lowering the temperature body, with beneficial effects on health of non-use of the tie can "lift" the air conditioners a few degrees, with a considerable saving of energy and a consequent reduction of the share of CO ². I hope all my fellow ministers to adapt by giving an indication to staff of its ministries to remove his tie, for the welfare of employees and the environment. " Ben
two Ministers of the Republic have in fact felt the need to intervene to try to convince the Italians to draw the obvious conclusions from what they already know and that is that in summer, with the tie, it is hotter and, therefore, would make more sense without it.
Actually, it would other reasons, and equally valid, to invoke the abandonment of the accessory: trope knots tight and stiff shirt collars can cause an increase in intraocular pressure and increase the risk of glaucoma, the ties tend to dangerously entangled in mobile devices, in fan blades, for example, or the cooling fan on the car when trying to add oil to the engine is hot and, according to the British Medical Association, the tie is dangerous even for those not wearing it: coming soon washed over other clothing is a dangerous vehicle for pathogens waved for more doctors in the face of their patients.
And, on the other hand, what's the point? È singolare come una cosa così inutile e molte volte scomoda come la cravatta sia potuta diventare sinonimo di eleganza, mentre la natura stessa dell’eleganza vien spesso ricercata nella misura e nell’economicità funzionale dei gesti rispetto ai fini (è questo che si intende quando si definisce “elegante” una mossa nel gioco degli scacchi o una dimostrazioni matematica o un’azione calcistica). È singolare anche che la cravatta si sia affermata pienamente come oggetto di moda proprio dopo essere stata esibita come vessillo del dandismo, in opposizione alla moda di fin de siècle : la cravatta, di tutti gli elementi che formano la toeletta del dandy è il più significativo perché è "As close to nothing": a banner of freedom and rebellion became a symbol of ostentatious bourgeois conformism.
The transition to a market economy in China has been accompanied by the abandonment of the classical Maoist uniform and its replacement with a jacket and tie in the Senate can not be accessed without a tie (he remained a popular - decorated with drawings of Pigs - worn by the Spurs League) and the large openings of the Confraternity of St. Stephen's coat, which once served to show the shining armor of the nobility, reveal today jackets and ties. Koizumi
Two years ago, long before then the Turkish and Pecoraro Scanio, has invited the Japanese to togliersi la cravatta dal collo; diligenti gli abitanti del Sol Levante hanno ubbidito. Ma la cosa deve averli poco convinti se in quel paese un’azienda ha pensato bene di mettere in commercio un singolare oggetto: un plasticoso simulacro tecnologico che della cravatta ricorda la forma e che viene indossato nella stessa posizione a coprire i bottoni della camicia, ma che incorpora un ventilatore. Nessuna persona sana di mente penserebbe mai di indossare un oggetto simile se non per scherzo o sotto la spinta di una forte costrizione. E in effetti non v’è dubbio che spesso le cravatte siano vissute come oggetti transizionali, coperte di Linus, indispensabili punti fermi per cercare di dare un punto di stabilità alla propria personalità.
La parola “cravatta” deriva dalla francesizzazione della parola slava “krvat”, cioè “croato”. Il Royal Cravatte era un reggimento slavo che combatteva per Luigi XIII e che portava come segno di riconoscimento una fascia colorata intorno al collo. “Segnare” con corde o lacci colorati polsi, caviglie, parte inferiore del ginocchio, omeri, collo, fronte, è sempre stato un modo per affidare alla protezione divina i punti deboli.
Un ricordo di questa abitudine lo si ritrova durante la sagra della Madonna dei Martiri quando i devoti si lanciano in mare dalle barche con strisce di stoffa colorata legate intorno ai “restringimenti del corpo”. I croati, da secoli impegnati in guerra contro i turchi, asking God's protection over what they feared most to lose under the blows of the Muslim scimitars.
The next time you put on a tie, ricordatevene. But wait until the autumn.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Short history of starless sky
Zapp This number will still be on sale when, as every year, driven by the ritual calls Agostani print and television, will raise his eyes to the sky during the night of San Lorenzo in search of his rain of tears, and we realize, once again, that the stars are gone.
Human eyes can easily see stars fainter than magnitude 6, stars that is about one hundred times less bright Vega or forty times less than the North Star: about 2100 stars above the horizon 30 degrees. Today we have difficulty in Molfetta see stars of magnitude 3 and so we see no more than forty. If we move slightly away 'from the city will be able to see, with a little' luck, a couple of hundred, but also on the first Murge not be able to count many more than 400, is slow, even in the most serene nights, to distinguish the Milky Way.
What's worse is that the phenomenon is increasing: in 2025 our galaxy could be completely invisible in every part of Italy.
the City of Light was the first city in the world to experience what we call light pollution: the traveler who arrived in Paris in the second half of the nineteenth century was struck by his empty sky, bereft from the stars cleared from the street lighting was as if the heavens had been turned over and the stars fallen to earth.
It was not just lights, it seemed that the same supercelestial had been emptied of any god from a rational and materialistic civilization that no longer sought in the sky, the constellation diagrams in precise transits of the stars and the wires that tended those between humans and the reasons and the sense of what is happening.
"There is not one of you, dear colleagues, who did not see the moon, or at least that has not heard. " In From the Earth to the Moon Jules Verne start communication so that the president Impey Barbicane held for the benefit of other members of the Gun Club is not only Anglo-Saxon humor could describe him as a French writer who needed to raise more head to scan the sky? Why interest in the Moon and its phases? He was here on this earth who now lived gods and myths, there just balls of incandescent gas. There was in those years of a nascent modernity growing disregard for the things of the sky that could be revived only by looking to space as a territory to conquer.
Gradually, the stars began to darken dappertutto. Lampione dopo lampione anche le città più piccole hanno cominciato a sfidare il cielo.
Oggi, secondo l’Organizations against light pollution in EU ( ), il 99% della popolazione dell’Unione Europea vive in aree dove il cielo notturno è inquinato, il 90% vive sotto una luce artificiale perenne equivalente a quella emessa dalla luna piena, per più del 60% la “notte” non arriva veramente mai, quasi il 50% ha perso la possibilità di vedere la Via Lattea, galassia in cui viviamo, e circa il 15% non ha mai guardato il cielo con gli occhi adattati alla visione notturna a causa dell’alta luminosità del cielo.
Negli ultimi 40 anni c’è stato un aumento di luminosità di circa il 10% ogni 12 mesi e la notte risulta ormai almeno 10 volte più chiara di quanto dovrebbe essere naturalmente.
Circa il 30% della luce emessa dall’illuminazione stradale viene dispersa verso il cielo con un inutile spreco di energia che provoca il disorientamento degli animali migratori e disturbi nei cicli circadiani degli uomini.
Dopo l’ultimo forte terremoto che colpì la città di Los Angeles nel dicembre del 2003 i centralini telefonici degli Istituti scientifici locali furono presi d’assalto da cittadini che chiedevano che cosa fosse successo al cielo: la sospensione dell’energia elettrica in moltissime zone della città aveva reso see the starry sky remained hitherto practically unknown in a city that now barely at night you can see the full moon.
Yet there is perhaps someone who could blame the old mills in the Village of Dreams Kurosawa asks: "Who might want a sky without stars?" In 1992 UNESCO declared the starry sky "world heritage 'humanity'.
In Italy none of the various proposed laws against light pollution has been able to complete its process, on the other hand 13 regions, including Puglia since 2005, you are given the rules and regulations. Today, all new equipment for street lighting must have a zero emission level above the 90th and all the old equipment must be replaced within the next 5 years. In addition to allowing us to see some more star this alone will allow the city of Molfetta save at least € 250 000 per year.
and environment Verne wrote From the Earth to the Moon in 1865. He died in 1905, when my grandfather was seven. It was twelve when in January the city of Molfetta ordered to shut down for a few hours of the night street lighting, gas, allowing its citizens to enjoy the magnificent view of the great comet that took up almost half the sky. The view of that star and the other comet, that of Halley, whose tail a few months after it was crossed by the Earth sparking fears of all kinds, she passed on to my grandfather, although she was illiterate, a passion for astronomy that he did return from America, where he later emigrated, laden with books Flammarion.
Human eyes can easily see stars fainter than magnitude 6, stars that is about one hundred times less bright Vega or forty times less than the North Star: about 2100 stars above the horizon 30 degrees. Today we have difficulty in Molfetta see stars of magnitude 3 and so we see no more than forty. If we move slightly away 'from the city will be able to see, with a little' luck, a couple of hundred, but also on the first Murge not be able to count many more than 400, is slow, even in the most serene nights, to distinguish the Milky Way.
What's worse is that the phenomenon is increasing: in 2025 our galaxy could be completely invisible in every part of Italy.
the City of Light was the first city in the world to experience what we call light pollution: the traveler who arrived in Paris in the second half of the nineteenth century was struck by his empty sky, bereft from the stars cleared from the street lighting was as if the heavens had been turned over and the stars fallen to earth.
It was not just lights, it seemed that the same supercelestial had been emptied of any god from a rational and materialistic civilization that no longer sought in the sky, the constellation diagrams in precise transits of the stars and the wires that tended those between humans and the reasons and the sense of what is happening.
"There is not one of you, dear colleagues, who did not see the moon, or at least that has not heard. " In From the Earth to the Moon Jules Verne start communication so that the president Impey Barbicane held for the benefit of other members of the Gun Club is not only Anglo-Saxon humor could describe him as a French writer who needed to raise more head to scan the sky? Why interest in the Moon and its phases? He was here on this earth who now lived gods and myths, there just balls of incandescent gas. There was in those years of a nascent modernity growing disregard for the things of the sky that could be revived only by looking to space as a territory to conquer.
Gradually, the stars began to darken dappertutto. Lampione dopo lampione anche le città più piccole hanno cominciato a sfidare il cielo.
Oggi, secondo l’Organizations against light pollution in EU ( ), il 99% della popolazione dell’Unione Europea vive in aree dove il cielo notturno è inquinato, il 90% vive sotto una luce artificiale perenne equivalente a quella emessa dalla luna piena, per più del 60% la “notte” non arriva veramente mai, quasi il 50% ha perso la possibilità di vedere la Via Lattea, galassia in cui viviamo, e circa il 15% non ha mai guardato il cielo con gli occhi adattati alla visione notturna a causa dell’alta luminosità del cielo.
Negli ultimi 40 anni c’è stato un aumento di luminosità di circa il 10% ogni 12 mesi e la notte risulta ormai almeno 10 volte più chiara di quanto dovrebbe essere naturalmente.
Circa il 30% della luce emessa dall’illuminazione stradale viene dispersa verso il cielo con un inutile spreco di energia che provoca il disorientamento degli animali migratori e disturbi nei cicli circadiani degli uomini.
Dopo l’ultimo forte terremoto che colpì la città di Los Angeles nel dicembre del 2003 i centralini telefonici degli Istituti scientifici locali furono presi d’assalto da cittadini che chiedevano che cosa fosse successo al cielo: la sospensione dell’energia elettrica in moltissime zone della città aveva reso see the starry sky remained hitherto practically unknown in a city that now barely at night you can see the full moon.
Yet there is perhaps someone who could blame the old mills in the Village of Dreams Kurosawa asks: "Who might want a sky without stars?" In 1992 UNESCO declared the starry sky "world heritage 'humanity'.
In Italy none of the various proposed laws against light pollution has been able to complete its process, on the other hand 13 regions, including Puglia since 2005, you are given the rules and regulations. Today, all new equipment for street lighting must have a zero emission level above the 90th and all the old equipment must be replaced within the next 5 years. In addition to allowing us to see some more star this alone will allow the city of Molfetta save at least € 250 000 per year.
and environment Verne wrote From the Earth to the Moon in 1865. He died in 1905, when my grandfather was seven. It was twelve when in January the city of Molfetta ordered to shut down for a few hours of the night street lighting, gas, allowing its citizens to enjoy the magnificent view of the great comet that took up almost half the sky. The view of that star and the other comet, that of Halley, whose tail a few months after it was crossed by the Earth sparking fears of all kinds, she passed on to my grandfather, although she was illiterate, a passion for astronomy that he did return from America, where he later emigrated, laden with books Flammarion.
Postilla 05/12/2007
"Consider," cum sidera , that is put together to chart the stars and constellations, therefore, form and meaning and narratives. But also feel one with the sky and, because of that empathy, divination, wishes to draw.
"Want", de sidera , turning away from the sky.
The desire of the lack of the desired thing, the breaking of the original: the loss of the ability to "consider" to feel at one with the stars.
"Want", de sidera , turning away from the sky.
The desire of the lack of the desired thing, the breaking of the original: the loss of the ability to "consider" to feel at one with the stars.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Ratchet And Clank Complete Rhino V
"It's hard to explain something to someone whose salary depends on precisely because he does not understand what you try to explain." The Upton wrote Sinclair in his book more fortunate The Brass Check, which took its name from the brass coins, Americans still in use in the brothels until the Thirties, which were purchased from the tenants and delivered to prostitutes in exchange for their services.
"Brass Coin" was called by Sinclair that journalists receive the compensation in exchange for what we in Italy call "tricks" and that, according to Al Gore, vice president for eight years of Bill Clinton, are cause and effect of profound democratic crisis across the United States.
Information is controlled by the big economic powers whose interests mean that scientific truth dimostrate possano non trovare lo spazio e l’attenzione che sarebbe loro doveroso riservare. È stato così per gli effetti del fumo sulla salute, certezza scientifica per decenni nascosta da carrettate di dollari sborsate dalle multinazionali del tabacco. È così oggi per gli effetti delle immissioni di gas serra nell’atmosfera che le compagnie petrolifere e, in genere, un sistema produttivo interessato esclusivamente al profitto tendono a nascondere.
Nel suo documentario Una scomoda verità , per il quale ha ricevuto due premi Oscar, Gore dimostra che la verità è assai peggiore di quanto non ci si voglia far credere: lo sconvolgimento del clima in atto richiederà un prezzo assai salato in termini di lives and property damage. Above all, what is carefully avoided telling is the truth about the consequences of melting polar ice. In recent decades the sea has raised only a few inches and the consequences have been heard only on some small Pacific islands that had to be evacuated by the inhabitants. But those who broke up so far are almost exclusively sea ice, ice that is not based on land, which, melting, did not increase sea levels in the same way an ice cube floating in a drink leaves unchanged the level of the liquid and turns into water. When something else happens to melt saranno i ghiacci terrestri della Groenlandia e dell’Antartide. Anzi non c’è neanche bisogno che si sciolgano: sarà sufficiente che scivolino in mare, cosa che accadrà quando le barriere di ghiaccio marino che circondano le terre polari cederanno. Allora enormi iceberg cadranno in un mare sempre più caldo il cui livello comincerà a salire velocemente. Questo accelererà ulteriormente lo scioglimento delle barriere che lasceranno passare sempre più ghiaccio terrestre in mare.
Basterà un aumento medio della temperatura del pianeta di tre gradi per far sì che intorno alla metà del secolo tutto il ghiaccio si sarà sciolto o finito in mare.
Il livello delle acque si sarà allora sollevato di sei metri.
is hard to believe, I know. It is difficult to imagine the water rising inexorably, and he holds the Pier San Domenico, which is invading the village, which floods the Town Park. How do you imagine Corso Umberto that flows directly sea or submerged cathedral? It is difficult and painful for me to imagine my daughter forced to leave the house that belonged to my parents and my grandparents before them, and where in this moment I am writing these lines.
I more or less these things while, a few days ago, attended a public meeting whose theme was the future of the port of Molfetta. Everything that was said seemed rational and acceptable: Corridor 8, China, the new centrality of the Mediterranean, enlargement of the Suez Canal, and yet the need to seize the opportunity to create growth, to grow the GDP, create jobs ...
During the meeting, traders represented very well the logic where you have to move: markets, prices and infrastructure. The politicians then have done everything possible to show able to do their job, to spend public money that is in the best possible manner.
But what would have happened if someone had stood up and said that he wants to do everything that is likely to remain submerged in a few years and that as soon as conditions allow the melting of ice at the North Pole the big ships will desert Suez preferring the cheaper and quicker passage to the Northwest?
Even without provoking derisive laughter ed'incredulità, a response that such intervention would have hoped by politicians and economic operators if not, at best, an 'I understand, I agree but I can not do my work "?
There is a gap, an irreducible separation that divides the arguments of Al Gore from what we can do to improve our living conditions here and now. If we have another hot that we can do except turn on your air conditioner?
Even if we were on his shoulders the burden of the world, maybe we should not think first of our daily lives, from the mutual pay for their children's studies at the end of the month?
Maybe we can pretend to do something for the planet by reducing personal use of the machine, but if the cars we sell we can only hope to sell more. We fear the disappearance of the great rain forests, but if you want to sell more and sell more flooring planks of Iroko, Padouk or doussié.
Even when we try to adopt an environmentally friendly lifestyle as well as in her daily television and newspapers suggest, we can not help but wish that the economy continues to grow. And this leads us inexorably 6 meters under the sea.
"Brass Coin" was called by Sinclair that journalists receive the compensation in exchange for what we in Italy call "tricks" and that, according to Al Gore, vice president for eight years of Bill Clinton, are cause and effect of profound democratic crisis across the United States.
Information is controlled by the big economic powers whose interests mean that scientific truth dimostrate possano non trovare lo spazio e l’attenzione che sarebbe loro doveroso riservare. È stato così per gli effetti del fumo sulla salute, certezza scientifica per decenni nascosta da carrettate di dollari sborsate dalle multinazionali del tabacco. È così oggi per gli effetti delle immissioni di gas serra nell’atmosfera che le compagnie petrolifere e, in genere, un sistema produttivo interessato esclusivamente al profitto tendono a nascondere.
Nel suo documentario Una scomoda verità , per il quale ha ricevuto due premi Oscar, Gore dimostra che la verità è assai peggiore di quanto non ci si voglia far credere: lo sconvolgimento del clima in atto richiederà un prezzo assai salato in termini di lives and property damage. Above all, what is carefully avoided telling is the truth about the consequences of melting polar ice. In recent decades the sea has raised only a few inches and the consequences have been heard only on some small Pacific islands that had to be evacuated by the inhabitants. But those who broke up so far are almost exclusively sea ice, ice that is not based on land, which, melting, did not increase sea levels in the same way an ice cube floating in a drink leaves unchanged the level of the liquid and turns into water. When something else happens to melt saranno i ghiacci terrestri della Groenlandia e dell’Antartide. Anzi non c’è neanche bisogno che si sciolgano: sarà sufficiente che scivolino in mare, cosa che accadrà quando le barriere di ghiaccio marino che circondano le terre polari cederanno. Allora enormi iceberg cadranno in un mare sempre più caldo il cui livello comincerà a salire velocemente. Questo accelererà ulteriormente lo scioglimento delle barriere che lasceranno passare sempre più ghiaccio terrestre in mare.
Basterà un aumento medio della temperatura del pianeta di tre gradi per far sì che intorno alla metà del secolo tutto il ghiaccio si sarà sciolto o finito in mare.
Il livello delle acque si sarà allora sollevato di sei metri.
is hard to believe, I know. It is difficult to imagine the water rising inexorably, and he holds the Pier San Domenico, which is invading the village, which floods the Town Park. How do you imagine Corso Umberto that flows directly sea or submerged cathedral? It is difficult and painful for me to imagine my daughter forced to leave the house that belonged to my parents and my grandparents before them, and where in this moment I am writing these lines.
I more or less these things while, a few days ago, attended a public meeting whose theme was the future of the port of Molfetta. Everything that was said seemed rational and acceptable: Corridor 8, China, the new centrality of the Mediterranean, enlargement of the Suez Canal, and yet the need to seize the opportunity to create growth, to grow the GDP, create jobs ...
During the meeting, traders represented very well the logic where you have to move: markets, prices and infrastructure. The politicians then have done everything possible to show able to do their job, to spend public money that is in the best possible manner.
But what would have happened if someone had stood up and said that he wants to do everything that is likely to remain submerged in a few years and that as soon as conditions allow the melting of ice at the North Pole the big ships will desert Suez preferring the cheaper and quicker passage to the Northwest?
Even without provoking derisive laughter ed'incredulità, a response that such intervention would have hoped by politicians and economic operators if not, at best, an 'I understand, I agree but I can not do my work "?
There is a gap, an irreducible separation that divides the arguments of Al Gore from what we can do to improve our living conditions here and now. If we have another hot that we can do except turn on your air conditioner?
Even if we were on his shoulders the burden of the world, maybe we should not think first of our daily lives, from the mutual pay for their children's studies at the end of the month?
Maybe we can pretend to do something for the planet by reducing personal use of the machine, but if the cars we sell we can only hope to sell more. We fear the disappearance of the great rain forests, but if you want to sell more and sell more flooring planks of Iroko, Padouk or doussié.
Even when we try to adopt an environmentally friendly lifestyle as well as in her daily television and newspapers suggest, we can not help but wish that the economy continues to grow. And this leads us inexorably 6 meters under the sea.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
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6 meters under the sea of \u200b\u200bsmall and large losses (starting from Lost)
If you enjoy TV shows you probably do not you lost a bet. If, however, do not like the genre, you had not heard about, suffice it to say that Lost about the adventures of a group of survivors of a plane crash, who find themselves on an uncharted island somewhere between Sydney and Los Angeles.
The narrative must therefore be ascribed to the genre "shipwrecks" and, therefore, placed in the company of many famous earlier as the 'Odyssey and Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver's Travels the or Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor .
With a difference is not insignificant, however: per Ulisse e Sinbad il perdersi era un rischio quotidiano e una cosa piuttosto semplice, tanto poco sapevano del mondo. I pochi segni tracciati dagli incerti geografi del loro tempo non riuscivano a contrastare lo sconforto provocato dalla presenza di tanti spazi lasciati bianchi sulle enigmatiche carte che avrebbero dovuto guidarli. Un’onda più alta, un errore nel decifrare il colore del vento ed ecco che si spalancavano, enormi, gli spazi dell’ignoto.
I protagonisti di Lost , invece si perdono in una inaspettata enclave all’interno di un mondo completamente noto, civilizzato e scrutato palmo a palmo dagli occhi elettronici dei satelliti, finendo in uno di quei posti che ci piace immaginare che ancora esistano, non sapendo just surrender to the evidence of a planet finally visited, without any area without the evidence of human footprints and our omnipresent garbage.
But if Robinson in the early eighteenth century, known simply moving away from the streets, could ever come across the unknown, in totally alien, in a tangible, physical mystery, the protagonists of the serial in question to lose need a powerful technology adverse that makes them fall into a particular inner reality, where he came face to face with his own ghosts.
The way technology is a metaphysical loss to the human condition rather recent, perhaps for the first time deciphered by Stanley Kubrick in film 2001, A Space Odyssey , in the very years in which, not surprisingly, appeared the first pictures of the entire planet from space. The first picture, that is, when the Earth was seen from the outside and where it appeared for the first time as definitively separated from humanity. The years in which the idea began to grow too small for a planet that Google Earth makes it appear even today as an object to be manipulated mouse clicks.
lose today are getting very difficult - even impossible under the Franco Cecla whose fine book lost. The Man Without environment refer the reader - if we do not intend to lost simply lost the physical but a mental upheaval due to stun occurrence of the unknown, an experience of total helplessness that plunges its victims into panic. Yet this experience was rather infrequent, but potentially even daily, until a few years ago here with us again in the South in the fifties, tells Ernesto De Martino, the farmers of our parts that were removed too quickly, with a shift by car from the territories who knew and who were for them a kind of projection of one's being, a geography of stones and feelings, and emotions of plants, roads and knowledge, entered into a state of near catatonia the "loss presence of 'the name anthropologist. The
not find their way more in the alleys and squares of a center or not being able to find the way of the hotel in a foreign city would not have lost a true . To lose
should in fact much more to be losing any certainty as to the unknown absolute. But that no longer exists, because the whole world now accepts the same language and articulated in the same way the forms of ownership and modes of social negotiation.
The logic of the representation of the goods is almost the same in every supermarket in the world. Large hotel chains are indifferent to the continental differences and suggest in any hotel of the group the same architecture and the same furniture. The brands of products are a universal language.
have covered the planet of artifacts, smooth roads and signs and, if this were not enough, we have finally invented a navigation system: we're a bit 'at a time used to live in a "simple little world," as defined by Ian Stewart, and now we expect that everything goes as we want, the lights come on with a click, it's hot or cool depending on our desires, that there is food always available with little effort, fresh water in the fridge, music command.
generation now only by our desire, with nothing able to resist now, the reality prende la forma di percorsi certi, di piani d’appoggio lisci e paralleli al suolo, di palazzine dalle linee di semplice geometria euclidea, al punto che sembra aver finito per cancellare dalla nostra vita e dalla nostra coscienza la complessità e l’enigmaticità del mondo, nello stesso modo in cui l’argine in cemento, fatto per contenere un fiume ed imporgli un ordine, finisce per ucciderlo.
Eppure, a me pare, man mano che le cose diventano sempre più eguali dappertutto, man mano insomma che l’omologazione avanza, che il mondo si sfarini in altri innumerevoli mondi che avrebbero potuto essere, e che in effetti sono, anche se solo per lo spazio di poche esistenze nascoste dietro il velo delle nostre certezze. Si creano, short, small enclaves or pockets, in which life evolves in small independent systems, for a longer or shorter time and in unexpected ways, such as immune, at least in part, from global contagion.
These are places where you say unexpected ways of self, DIY recovery, urban survival techniques are practiced, you make an unexpected recycling of goods, is engaged in various uses of the land. These spaces
deviant multiply as the stories we do on the world fail to give sufficient explanation, as the promise of future development and wealth on which our civilization shows the rope. So those areas have now become, in a sense, what once were forests, places where life germinates uncontrolled. Places
arousing the suspicion that can foster in us a sense of mystery, if we look only to find out where the edges and peripheries are not simply physical places, but rather categories of the soul.
the fourth floor ... the time had stopped three decades ago. The two old maids had lowered the shutters of their conscience, they had not seen a newscast, but closed the gates to everyone, that all those things that were considered incompatible with their way of being. As indeed do all of us. But for them the number of these things is growing day by day, as indeed happens in all us.
today that the apartment is empty, with what fury the contemporary pounces on those places that seemed to ignore the passing of hands! The old knickknacks are piled up, the bed-shouldered brass dismantled and sent to a junk dealer who will resell such as antique, to become, by object of daily use that was a quote. Will suffer the same fate as the doilies and vases, all those poor things will be transformed into waste or statue: there is no escape.
The narrative must therefore be ascribed to the genre "shipwrecks" and, therefore, placed in the company of many famous earlier as the 'Odyssey and Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver's Travels the or Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor .
With a difference is not insignificant, however: per Ulisse e Sinbad il perdersi era un rischio quotidiano e una cosa piuttosto semplice, tanto poco sapevano del mondo. I pochi segni tracciati dagli incerti geografi del loro tempo non riuscivano a contrastare lo sconforto provocato dalla presenza di tanti spazi lasciati bianchi sulle enigmatiche carte che avrebbero dovuto guidarli. Un’onda più alta, un errore nel decifrare il colore del vento ed ecco che si spalancavano, enormi, gli spazi dell’ignoto.
I protagonisti di Lost , invece si perdono in una inaspettata enclave all’interno di un mondo completamente noto, civilizzato e scrutato palmo a palmo dagli occhi elettronici dei satelliti, finendo in uno di quei posti che ci piace immaginare che ancora esistano, non sapendo just surrender to the evidence of a planet finally visited, without any area without the evidence of human footprints and our omnipresent garbage.
But if Robinson in the early eighteenth century, known simply moving away from the streets, could ever come across the unknown, in totally alien, in a tangible, physical mystery, the protagonists of the serial in question to lose need a powerful technology adverse that makes them fall into a particular inner reality, where he came face to face with his own ghosts.
The way technology is a metaphysical loss to the human condition rather recent, perhaps for the first time deciphered by Stanley Kubrick in film 2001, A Space Odyssey , in the very years in which, not surprisingly, appeared the first pictures of the entire planet from space. The first picture, that is, when the Earth was seen from the outside and where it appeared for the first time as definitively separated from humanity. The years in which the idea began to grow too small for a planet that Google Earth makes it appear even today as an object to be manipulated mouse clicks.
lose today are getting very difficult - even impossible under the Franco Cecla whose fine book lost. The Man Without environment refer the reader - if we do not intend to lost simply lost the physical but a mental upheaval due to stun occurrence of the unknown, an experience of total helplessness that plunges its victims into panic. Yet this experience was rather infrequent, but potentially even daily, until a few years ago here with us again in the South in the fifties, tells Ernesto De Martino, the farmers of our parts that were removed too quickly, with a shift by car from the territories who knew and who were for them a kind of projection of one's being, a geography of stones and feelings, and emotions of plants, roads and knowledge, entered into a state of near catatonia the "loss presence of 'the name anthropologist. The
not find their way more in the alleys and squares of a center or not being able to find the way of the hotel in a foreign city would not have lost a true . To lose
should in fact much more to be losing any certainty as to the unknown absolute. But that no longer exists, because the whole world now accepts the same language and articulated in the same way the forms of ownership and modes of social negotiation.
The logic of the representation of the goods is almost the same in every supermarket in the world. Large hotel chains are indifferent to the continental differences and suggest in any hotel of the group the same architecture and the same furniture. The brands of products are a universal language.
have covered the planet of artifacts, smooth roads and signs and, if this were not enough, we have finally invented a navigation system: we're a bit 'at a time used to live in a "simple little world," as defined by Ian Stewart, and now we expect that everything goes as we want, the lights come on with a click, it's hot or cool depending on our desires, that there is food always available with little effort, fresh water in the fridge, music command.
generation now only by our desire, with nothing able to resist now, the reality prende la forma di percorsi certi, di piani d’appoggio lisci e paralleli al suolo, di palazzine dalle linee di semplice geometria euclidea, al punto che sembra aver finito per cancellare dalla nostra vita e dalla nostra coscienza la complessità e l’enigmaticità del mondo, nello stesso modo in cui l’argine in cemento, fatto per contenere un fiume ed imporgli un ordine, finisce per ucciderlo.
Eppure, a me pare, man mano che le cose diventano sempre più eguali dappertutto, man mano insomma che l’omologazione avanza, che il mondo si sfarini in altri innumerevoli mondi che avrebbero potuto essere, e che in effetti sono, anche se solo per lo spazio di poche esistenze nascoste dietro il velo delle nostre certezze. Si creano, short, small enclaves or pockets, in which life evolves in small independent systems, for a longer or shorter time and in unexpected ways, such as immune, at least in part, from global contagion.
These are places where you say unexpected ways of self, DIY recovery, urban survival techniques are practiced, you make an unexpected recycling of goods, is engaged in various uses of the land. These spaces
deviant multiply as the stories we do on the world fail to give sufficient explanation, as the promise of future development and wealth on which our civilization shows the rope. So those areas have now become, in a sense, what once were forests, places where life germinates uncontrolled. Places
arousing the suspicion that can foster in us a sense of mystery, if we look only to find out where the edges and peripheries are not simply physical places, but rather categories of the soul.
the fourth floor ... the time had stopped three decades ago. The two old maids had lowered the shutters of their conscience, they had not seen a newscast, but closed the gates to everyone, that all those things that were considered incompatible with their way of being. As indeed do all of us. But for them the number of these things is growing day by day, as indeed happens in all us.
today that the apartment is empty, with what fury the contemporary pounces on those places that seemed to ignore the passing of hands! The old knickknacks are piled up, the bed-shouldered brass dismantled and sent to a junk dealer who will resell such as antique, to become, by object of daily use that was a quote. Will suffer the same fate as the doilies and vases, all those poor things will be transformed into waste or statue: there is no escape.
Friday, February 2, 2007
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Clams, parrots and other aliens
few weeks ago the mayor of Molfetta came the request for action to eliminate the presence of the parrots that now for twenty years, have settled in the neighborhood of the Madonna della Rosa. The parrots - is said in the letter of the neighborhood committee - are harmful and disturbing the villagers, destroyed fruit trees and ornamental, constantly emit shrill cries "with severe noise pollution, not to mention their droppings, likely source of spread viruses. It thus calls for remediation and, in order to remove a "bloodless" this source of "pollution", it is suggested to recruit teams of falconers that force the exotic birds in areas where they can be captured to be finally placed in a "congenial environment to them."
Parrots "Monaco" colonized almost all the agro Molfettese and even some urban areas. Past the initial curiosity and sympathy, their presence is increasingly being perceived as invasive and annoying: it is not surprising therefore that there may be citizens who call for their removal. For more - say the writers of the letter - the parrots were foreigners, their species would be "non-native or suited to our environment" would then remove them only to restore the natural state of things.
Now I would like to invite you to take a year: raise your head from this page and look around. Look how far you can push it and then tell me: can you see something, animate or inanimate that is, whether it is there where no man has to do somehow? Something that is where he is by virtue of action natural order of things? Walls, windows, chairs lined with something that was once animal skin, libraries, plastering, wiring, DVD, mirrors, bottles of detergent, these things we surround ourselves in the home where, if there is something ' more alive than humans, they are exotic species of plants or otherwise selected to resist the eternal spring of our homes, or domesticated animals or from far away countries that are kept in aquariums or terrariums or in any environment appropriate.
If you let go look out the window, it does not change: the few sad trees sprout between the cement, asphalt and sheet metal is there as a result of a contract or some other administrative act, if there are dogs or stray cats, it is because they share with us the fate of existence for thousands of years, however, as do mice.
You may rejoice at the passage of a bird and I'll see how the birds certainly do not take orders from man. But look better: the gulls in their daily journey moving from landfill at the jetties, the pigeons are going to heat up the sun on the domes of the Cathedral, the magpies choose to attend the courtyards and transfers are crowded on telephone wires. Swifts nest in attics or in the cracks of the walls and the loons are in port a quiet fishing spot: the birds have adapted to our world.
Then the insects, you say: those are some of the world where it suits them best, certainly not us to invite them. The fact remains that not our will, but certainly because of our actions many of them are the most suitable for their proliferation in human settlements. And what's more, if they murder many, many distribute them to the world thanks to our ships and our aircraft.
At this point, perhaps exacerbated by my argument, you might decide to leave home and go for a ride through the countryside, finally in contact with nature, where some argue that it can not be true. But even there you should reflect on the fact that almost no trees grow where it is if it had not been planted by a man. And as if that were not enough, you might find, given a good book on botany, exotic plants that are not only surprisingly high number, but also have become characteristic features of our landscape.
prickly pear and bougainvillea, Ailanthus, eucalyptus, palm trees, monkey-puzzle trees, cedars, but also fruit trees such as peaches and oranges cakes, plants are all revenue to be part of our landscape in an age surprisingly recent. Tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplants: Can you imagine the Mediterranean diet without these vegetables? Yet it is all original species of the Americas.
We upset the ecosystems around the world in Australia, bringing rabbits, horses, sheep and cows in English America, dogs, pigs, rats and monkeys in Mauritius. We wiped off the face of the earth, the Lion of Tasmania, the dodo, the great rabbit tail of Sardinia, the Atlas bear, the fox of the Falkland Islands, the puma of Wisconsin, the ibex in the Pyrenees, and finally, last in order of time, the white river dolphin cinese. Sulle nostre tavole le vongole veraci filippine, introdotte nel nord Adriatico da ricercatori italiani, hanno ormai soppiantato anche nel nome le nostre vongole che adesso al mercato, quando si trovano, sono vendute con il triste nome di “lupini di mare”.
Le nuvole, allora. Che c’entriamo noi con le nuvole? Quelle vanno, vengono, possiamo solo scrutarle, noi!
So che mentre pensate queste cose una certa inquietudine affiora in cuor vostro: il tempo impazzito vi fa allignare leciti dubbi. Abbiamo perforato lo strato di ozono, surriscaldato il pianeta, stiamo esaurendo le riserve di petrolio e cerchiamo giustificazioni morali per scacciare via un migliaio di multicolori vivaci chiassosi pennuti?
Per fare cose just do not need excuses. But maybe it's just the point: there must be something in the souls of those who want the removal of the parrots that sneaks out from under the exasperation and annoyance, and makes him perhaps it questions the moral legitimacy of what he asks. Monaco
I have not arrived at Molfetta voluntarily: in Argentina were as happy as I can be animals that are found in their habitat. Of course there was between their aspirations to cross the ocean to come to nest on Australian trees in the Apulian countryside.
were caught, caged, sent across the globe. Those that survived the trip ended watching from behind bars where they were masters of the sky. Yet they had not committed any crime. Small
concerns to conclude: the letter speaks generically of the establishment of species in the area, neglecting to say that parrots Monaco are not a migratory species and multiplied from a couple escaped from an aviary; we expect to intervene with short public money to remedy damage caused by private parties.
Parrots "Monaco" colonized almost all the agro Molfettese and even some urban areas. Past the initial curiosity and sympathy, their presence is increasingly being perceived as invasive and annoying: it is not surprising therefore that there may be citizens who call for their removal. For more - say the writers of the letter - the parrots were foreigners, their species would be "non-native or suited to our environment" would then remove them only to restore the natural state of things.
Now I would like to invite you to take a year: raise your head from this page and look around. Look how far you can push it and then tell me: can you see something, animate or inanimate that is, whether it is there where no man has to do somehow? Something that is where he is by virtue of action natural order of things? Walls, windows, chairs lined with something that was once animal skin, libraries, plastering, wiring, DVD, mirrors, bottles of detergent, these things we surround ourselves in the home where, if there is something ' more alive than humans, they are exotic species of plants or otherwise selected to resist the eternal spring of our homes, or domesticated animals or from far away countries that are kept in aquariums or terrariums or in any environment appropriate.
If you let go look out the window, it does not change: the few sad trees sprout between the cement, asphalt and sheet metal is there as a result of a contract or some other administrative act, if there are dogs or stray cats, it is because they share with us the fate of existence for thousands of years, however, as do mice.
You may rejoice at the passage of a bird and I'll see how the birds certainly do not take orders from man. But look better: the gulls in their daily journey moving from landfill at the jetties, the pigeons are going to heat up the sun on the domes of the Cathedral, the magpies choose to attend the courtyards and transfers are crowded on telephone wires. Swifts nest in attics or in the cracks of the walls and the loons are in port a quiet fishing spot: the birds have adapted to our world.
Then the insects, you say: those are some of the world where it suits them best, certainly not us to invite them. The fact remains that not our will, but certainly because of our actions many of them are the most suitable for their proliferation in human settlements. And what's more, if they murder many, many distribute them to the world thanks to our ships and our aircraft.
At this point, perhaps exacerbated by my argument, you might decide to leave home and go for a ride through the countryside, finally in contact with nature, where some argue that it can not be true. But even there you should reflect on the fact that almost no trees grow where it is if it had not been planted by a man. And as if that were not enough, you might find, given a good book on botany, exotic plants that are not only surprisingly high number, but also have become characteristic features of our landscape.
prickly pear and bougainvillea, Ailanthus, eucalyptus, palm trees, monkey-puzzle trees, cedars, but also fruit trees such as peaches and oranges cakes, plants are all revenue to be part of our landscape in an age surprisingly recent. Tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplants: Can you imagine the Mediterranean diet without these vegetables? Yet it is all original species of the Americas.
We upset the ecosystems around the world in Australia, bringing rabbits, horses, sheep and cows in English America, dogs, pigs, rats and monkeys in Mauritius. We wiped off the face of the earth, the Lion of Tasmania, the dodo, the great rabbit tail of Sardinia, the Atlas bear, the fox of the Falkland Islands, the puma of Wisconsin, the ibex in the Pyrenees, and finally, last in order of time, the white river dolphin cinese. Sulle nostre tavole le vongole veraci filippine, introdotte nel nord Adriatico da ricercatori italiani, hanno ormai soppiantato anche nel nome le nostre vongole che adesso al mercato, quando si trovano, sono vendute con il triste nome di “lupini di mare”.
Le nuvole, allora. Che c’entriamo noi con le nuvole? Quelle vanno, vengono, possiamo solo scrutarle, noi!
So che mentre pensate queste cose una certa inquietudine affiora in cuor vostro: il tempo impazzito vi fa allignare leciti dubbi. Abbiamo perforato lo strato di ozono, surriscaldato il pianeta, stiamo esaurendo le riserve di petrolio e cerchiamo giustificazioni morali per scacciare via un migliaio di multicolori vivaci chiassosi pennuti?
Per fare cose just do not need excuses. But maybe it's just the point: there must be something in the souls of those who want the removal of the parrots that sneaks out from under the exasperation and annoyance, and makes him perhaps it questions the moral legitimacy of what he asks. Monaco
I have not arrived at Molfetta voluntarily: in Argentina were as happy as I can be animals that are found in their habitat. Of course there was between their aspirations to cross the ocean to come to nest on Australian trees in the Apulian countryside.
were caught, caged, sent across the globe. Those that survived the trip ended watching from behind bars where they were masters of the sky. Yet they had not committed any crime. Small
concerns to conclude: the letter speaks generically of the establishment of species in the area, neglecting to say that parrots Monaco are not a migratory species and multiplied from a couple escaped from an aviary; we expect to intervene with short public money to remedy damage caused by private parties.
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