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Clams, parrots and other aliens

few weeks ago the mayor of Molfetta came the request for action to eliminate the presence of the parrots that now for twenty years, have settled in the neighborhood of the Madonna della Rosa. The parrots - is said in the letter of the neighborhood committee - are harmful and disturbing the villagers, destroyed fruit trees and ornamental, constantly emit shrill cries "with severe noise pollution, not to mention their droppings, likely source of spread viruses. It thus calls for remediation and, in order to remove a "bloodless" this source of "pollution", it is suggested to recruit teams of falconers that force the exotic birds in areas where they can be captured to be finally placed in a "congenial environment to them."
Parrots "Monaco" colonized almost all the agro Molfettese and even some urban areas. Past the initial curiosity and sympathy, their presence is increasingly being perceived as invasive and annoying: it is not surprising therefore that there may be citizens who call for their removal. For more - say the writers of the letter - the parrots were foreigners, their species would be "non-native or suited to our environment" would then remove them only to restore the natural state of things.
Now I would like to invite you to take a year: raise your head from this page and look around. Look how far you can push it and then tell me: can you see something, animate or inanimate that is, whether it is there where no man has to do somehow? Something that is where he is by virtue of action natural order of things? Walls, windows, chairs lined with something that was once animal skin, libraries, plastering, wiring, DVD, mirrors, bottles of detergent, these things we surround ourselves in the home where, if there is something ' more alive than humans, they are exotic species of plants or otherwise selected to resist the eternal spring of our homes, or domesticated animals or from far away countries that are kept in aquariums or terrariums or in any environment appropriate.
If you let go look out the window, it does not change: the few sad trees sprout between the cement, asphalt and sheet metal is there as a result of a contract or some other administrative act, if there are dogs or stray cats, it is because they share with us the fate of existence for thousands of years, however, as do mice.
You may rejoice at the passage of a bird and I'll see how the birds certainly do not take orders from man. But look better: the gulls in their daily journey moving from landfill at the jetties, the pigeons are going to heat up the sun on the domes of the Cathedral, the magpies choose to attend the courtyards and transfers are crowded on telephone wires. Swifts nest in attics or in the cracks of the walls and the loons are in port a quiet fishing spot: the birds have adapted to our world.
Then the insects, you say: those are some of the world where it suits them best, certainly not us to invite them. The fact remains that not our will, but certainly because of our actions many of them are the most suitable for their proliferation in human settlements. And what's more, if they murder many, many distribute them to the world thanks to our ships and our aircraft.
At this point, perhaps exacerbated by my argument, you might decide to leave home and go for a ride through the countryside, finally in contact with nature, where some argue that it can not be true. But even there you should reflect on the fact that almost no trees grow where it is if it had not been planted by a man. And as if that were not enough, you might find, given a good book on botany, exotic plants that are not only surprisingly high number, but also have become characteristic features of our landscape.
prickly pear and bougainvillea, Ailanthus, eucalyptus, palm trees, monkey-puzzle trees, cedars, but also fruit trees such as peaches and oranges cakes, plants are all revenue to be part of our landscape in an age surprisingly recent. Tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplants: Can you imagine the Mediterranean diet without these vegetables? Yet it is all original species of the Americas.
We upset the ecosystems around the world in Australia, bringing rabbits, horses, sheep and cows in English America, dogs, pigs, rats and monkeys in Mauritius. We wiped off the face of the earth, the Lion of Tasmania, the dodo, the great rabbit tail of Sardinia, the Atlas bear, the fox of the Falkland Islands, the puma of Wisconsin, the ibex in the Pyrenees, and finally, last in order of time, the white river dolphin cinese. Sulle nostre tavole le vongole veraci filippine, introdotte nel nord Adriatico da ricercatori italiani, hanno ormai soppiantato anche nel nome le nostre vongole che adesso al mercato, quando si trovano, sono vendute con il triste nome di “lupini di mare”.
Le nuvole, allora. Che c’entriamo noi con le nuvole? Quelle vanno, vengono, possiamo solo scrutarle, noi!
So che mentre pensate queste cose una certa inquietudine affiora in cuor vostro: il tempo impazzito vi fa allignare leciti dubbi. Abbiamo perforato lo strato di ozono, surriscaldato il pianeta, stiamo esaurendo le riserve di petrolio e cerchiamo giustificazioni morali per scacciare via un migliaio di multicolori vivaci chiassosi pennuti?
Per fare cose just do not need excuses. But maybe it's just the point: there must be something in the souls of those who want the removal of the parrots that sneaks out from under the exasperation and annoyance, and makes him perhaps it questions the moral legitimacy of what he asks. Monaco
I have not arrived at Molfetta voluntarily: in Argentina were as happy as I can be animals that are found in their habitat. Of course there was between their aspirations to cross the ocean to come to nest on Australian trees in the Apulian countryside.
were caught, caged, sent across the globe. Those that survived the trip ended watching from behind bars where they were masters of the sky. Yet they had not committed any crime. Small
concerns to conclude: the letter speaks generically of the establishment of species in the area, neglecting to say that parrots Monaco are not a migratory species and multiplied from a couple escaped from an aviary; we expect to intervene with short public money to remedy damage caused by private parties.