If you enjoy TV shows you probably do not you lost a bet. If, however, do not like the genre, you had not heard about, suffice it to say that Lost about the adventures of a group of survivors of a plane crash, who find themselves on an uncharted island somewhere between Sydney and Los Angeles.
The narrative must therefore be ascribed to the genre "shipwrecks" and, therefore, placed in the company of many famous earlier as the 'Odyssey and Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver's Travels the or Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor .
With a difference is not insignificant, however: per Ulisse e Sinbad il perdersi era un rischio quotidiano e una cosa piuttosto semplice, tanto poco sapevano del mondo. I pochi segni tracciati dagli incerti geografi del loro tempo non riuscivano a contrastare lo sconforto provocato dalla presenza di tanti spazi lasciati bianchi sulle enigmatiche carte che avrebbero dovuto guidarli. Un’onda più alta, un errore nel decifrare il colore del vento ed ecco che si spalancavano, enormi, gli spazi dell’ignoto.
I protagonisti di Lost , invece si perdono in una inaspettata enclave all’interno di un mondo completamente noto, civilizzato e scrutato palmo a palmo dagli occhi elettronici dei satelliti, finendo in uno di quei posti che ci piace immaginare che ancora esistano, non sapendo just surrender to the evidence of a planet finally visited, without any area without the evidence of human footprints and our omnipresent garbage.
But if Robinson in the early eighteenth century, known simply moving away from the streets, could ever come across the unknown, in totally alien, in a tangible, physical mystery, the protagonists of the serial in question to lose need a powerful technology adverse that makes them fall into a particular inner reality, where he came face to face with his own ghosts.
The way technology is a metaphysical loss to the human condition rather recent, perhaps for the first time deciphered by Stanley Kubrick in film 2001, A Space Odyssey , in the very years in which, not surprisingly, appeared the first pictures of the entire planet from space. The first picture, that is, when the Earth was seen from the outside and where it appeared for the first time as definitively separated from humanity. The years in which the idea began to grow too small for a planet that Google Earth makes it appear even today as an object to be manipulated mouse clicks.
lose today are getting very difficult - even impossible under the Franco Cecla whose fine book lost. The Man Without environment refer the reader - if we do not intend to lost simply lost the physical but a mental upheaval due to stun occurrence of the unknown, an experience of total helplessness that plunges its victims into panic. Yet this experience was rather infrequent, but potentially even daily, until a few years ago here with us again in the South in the fifties, tells Ernesto De Martino, the farmers of our parts that were removed too quickly, with a shift by car from the territories who knew and who were for them a kind of projection of one's being, a geography of stones and feelings, and emotions of plants, roads and knowledge, entered into a state of near catatonia the "loss presence of 'the name anthropologist. The
not find their way more in the alleys and squares of a center or not being able to find the way of the hotel in a foreign city would not have lost a true . To lose
should in fact much more to be losing any certainty as to the unknown absolute. But that no longer exists, because the whole world now accepts the same language and articulated in the same way the forms of ownership and modes of social negotiation.
The logic of the representation of the goods is almost the same in every supermarket in the world. Large hotel chains are indifferent to the continental differences and suggest in any hotel of the group the same architecture and the same furniture. The brands of products are a universal language.
have covered the planet of artifacts, smooth roads and signs and, if this were not enough, we have finally invented a navigation system: we're a bit 'at a time used to live in a "simple little world," as defined by Ian Stewart, and now we expect that everything goes as we want, the lights come on with a click, it's hot or cool depending on our desires, that there is food always available with little effort, fresh water in the fridge, music command.
generation now only by our desire, with nothing able to resist now, the reality prende la forma di percorsi certi, di piani d’appoggio lisci e paralleli al suolo, di palazzine dalle linee di semplice geometria euclidea, al punto che sembra aver finito per cancellare dalla nostra vita e dalla nostra coscienza la complessità e l’enigmaticità del mondo, nello stesso modo in cui l’argine in cemento, fatto per contenere un fiume ed imporgli un ordine, finisce per ucciderlo.
Eppure, a me pare, man mano che le cose diventano sempre più eguali dappertutto, man mano insomma che l’omologazione avanza, che il mondo si sfarini in altri innumerevoli mondi che avrebbero potuto essere, e che in effetti sono, anche se solo per lo spazio di poche esistenze nascoste dietro il velo delle nostre certezze. Si creano, short, small enclaves or pockets, in which life evolves in small independent systems, for a longer or shorter time and in unexpected ways, such as immune, at least in part, from global contagion.
These are places where you say unexpected ways of self, DIY recovery, urban survival techniques are practiced, you make an unexpected recycling of goods, is engaged in various uses of the land. These spaces
deviant multiply as the stories we do on the world fail to give sufficient explanation, as the promise of future development and wealth on which our civilization shows the rope. So those areas have now become, in a sense, what once were forests, places where life germinates uncontrolled. Places
arousing the suspicion that can foster in us a sense of mystery, if we look only to find out where the edges and peripheries are not simply physical places, but rather categories of the soul.
the fourth floor ... the time had stopped three decades ago. The two old maids had lowered the shutters of their conscience, they had not seen a newscast, but closed the gates to everyone, that all those things that were considered incompatible with their way of being. As indeed do all of us. But for them the number of these things is growing day by day, as indeed happens in all us.
today that the apartment is empty, with what fury the contemporary pounces on those places that seemed to ignore the passing of hands! The old knickknacks are piled up, the bed-shouldered brass dismantled and sent to a junk dealer who will resell such as antique, to become, by object of daily use that was a quote. Will suffer the same fate as the doilies and vases, all those poor things will be transformed into waste or statue: there is no escape.
The narrative must therefore be ascribed to the genre "shipwrecks" and, therefore, placed in the company of many famous earlier as the 'Odyssey and Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver's Travels the or Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor .
With a difference is not insignificant, however: per Ulisse e Sinbad il perdersi era un rischio quotidiano e una cosa piuttosto semplice, tanto poco sapevano del mondo. I pochi segni tracciati dagli incerti geografi del loro tempo non riuscivano a contrastare lo sconforto provocato dalla presenza di tanti spazi lasciati bianchi sulle enigmatiche carte che avrebbero dovuto guidarli. Un’onda più alta, un errore nel decifrare il colore del vento ed ecco che si spalancavano, enormi, gli spazi dell’ignoto.
I protagonisti di Lost , invece si perdono in una inaspettata enclave all’interno di un mondo completamente noto, civilizzato e scrutato palmo a palmo dagli occhi elettronici dei satelliti, finendo in uno di quei posti che ci piace immaginare che ancora esistano, non sapendo just surrender to the evidence of a planet finally visited, without any area without the evidence of human footprints and our omnipresent garbage.
But if Robinson in the early eighteenth century, known simply moving away from the streets, could ever come across the unknown, in totally alien, in a tangible, physical mystery, the protagonists of the serial in question to lose need a powerful technology adverse that makes them fall into a particular inner reality, where he came face to face with his own ghosts.
The way technology is a metaphysical loss to the human condition rather recent, perhaps for the first time deciphered by Stanley Kubrick in film 2001, A Space Odyssey , in the very years in which, not surprisingly, appeared the first pictures of the entire planet from space. The first picture, that is, when the Earth was seen from the outside and where it appeared for the first time as definitively separated from humanity. The years in which the idea began to grow too small for a planet that Google Earth makes it appear even today as an object to be manipulated mouse clicks.
lose today are getting very difficult - even impossible under the Franco Cecla whose fine book lost. The Man Without environment refer the reader - if we do not intend to lost simply lost the physical but a mental upheaval due to stun occurrence of the unknown, an experience of total helplessness that plunges its victims into panic. Yet this experience was rather infrequent, but potentially even daily, until a few years ago here with us again in the South in the fifties, tells Ernesto De Martino, the farmers of our parts that were removed too quickly, with a shift by car from the territories who knew and who were for them a kind of projection of one's being, a geography of stones and feelings, and emotions of plants, roads and knowledge, entered into a state of near catatonia the "loss presence of 'the name anthropologist. The
not find their way more in the alleys and squares of a center or not being able to find the way of the hotel in a foreign city would not have lost a true . To lose
should in fact much more to be losing any certainty as to the unknown absolute. But that no longer exists, because the whole world now accepts the same language and articulated in the same way the forms of ownership and modes of social negotiation.
The logic of the representation of the goods is almost the same in every supermarket in the world. Large hotel chains are indifferent to the continental differences and suggest in any hotel of the group the same architecture and the same furniture. The brands of products are a universal language.
have covered the planet of artifacts, smooth roads and signs and, if this were not enough, we have finally invented a navigation system: we're a bit 'at a time used to live in a "simple little world," as defined by Ian Stewart, and now we expect that everything goes as we want, the lights come on with a click, it's hot or cool depending on our desires, that there is food always available with little effort, fresh water in the fridge, music command.
generation now only by our desire, with nothing able to resist now, the reality prende la forma di percorsi certi, di piani d’appoggio lisci e paralleli al suolo, di palazzine dalle linee di semplice geometria euclidea, al punto che sembra aver finito per cancellare dalla nostra vita e dalla nostra coscienza la complessità e l’enigmaticità del mondo, nello stesso modo in cui l’argine in cemento, fatto per contenere un fiume ed imporgli un ordine, finisce per ucciderlo.
Eppure, a me pare, man mano che le cose diventano sempre più eguali dappertutto, man mano insomma che l’omologazione avanza, che il mondo si sfarini in altri innumerevoli mondi che avrebbero potuto essere, e che in effetti sono, anche se solo per lo spazio di poche esistenze nascoste dietro il velo delle nostre certezze. Si creano, short, small enclaves or pockets, in which life evolves in small independent systems, for a longer or shorter time and in unexpected ways, such as immune, at least in part, from global contagion.
These are places where you say unexpected ways of self, DIY recovery, urban survival techniques are practiced, you make an unexpected recycling of goods, is engaged in various uses of the land. These spaces
deviant multiply as the stories we do on the world fail to give sufficient explanation, as the promise of future development and wealth on which our civilization shows the rope. So those areas have now become, in a sense, what once were forests, places where life germinates uncontrolled. Places
arousing the suspicion that can foster in us a sense of mystery, if we look only to find out where the edges and peripheries are not simply physical places, but rather categories of the soul.
the fourth floor ... the time had stopped three decades ago. The two old maids had lowered the shutters of their conscience, they had not seen a newscast, but closed the gates to everyone, that all those things that were considered incompatible with their way of being. As indeed do all of us. But for them the number of these things is growing day by day, as indeed happens in all us.
today that the apartment is empty, with what fury the contemporary pounces on those places that seemed to ignore the passing of hands! The old knickknacks are piled up, the bed-shouldered brass dismantled and sent to a junk dealer who will resell such as antique, to become, by object of daily use that was a quote. Will suffer the same fate as the doilies and vases, all those poor things will be transformed into waste or statue: there is no escape.