Thursday, June 7, 2007

Ratchet And Clank Complete Rhino V

"It's hard to explain something to someone whose salary depends on precisely because he does not understand what you try to explain." The Upton wrote Sinclair in his book more fortunate The Brass Check, which took its name from the brass coins, Americans still in use in the brothels until the Thirties, which were purchased from the tenants and delivered to prostitutes in exchange for their services.
"Brass Coin" was called by Sinclair that journalists receive the compensation in exchange for what we in Italy call "tricks" and that, according to Al Gore, vice president for eight years of Bill Clinton, are cause and effect of profound democratic crisis across the United States.
Information is controlled by the big economic powers whose interests mean that scientific truth dimostrate possano non trovare lo spazio e l’attenzione che sarebbe loro doveroso riservare. È stato così per gli effetti del fumo sulla salute, certezza scientifica per decenni nascosta da carrettate di dollari sborsate dalle multinazionali del tabacco. È così oggi per gli effetti delle immissioni di gas serra nell’atmosfera che le compagnie petrolifere e, in genere, un sistema produttivo interessato esclusivamente al profitto tendono a nascondere.
Nel suo documentario Una scomoda verità , per il quale ha ricevuto due premi Oscar, Gore dimostra che la verità è assai peggiore di quanto non ci si voglia far credere: lo sconvolgimento del clima in atto richiederà un prezzo assai salato in termini di lives and property damage. Above all, what is carefully avoided telling is the truth about the consequences of melting polar ice. In recent decades the sea has raised only a few inches and the consequences have been heard only on some small Pacific islands that had to be evacuated by the inhabitants. But those who broke up so far are almost exclusively sea ice, ice that is not based on land, which, melting, did not increase sea levels in the same way an ice cube floating in a drink leaves unchanged the level of the liquid and turns into water. When something else happens to melt saranno i ghiacci terrestri della Groenlandia e dell’Antartide. Anzi non c’è neanche bisogno che si sciolgano: sarà sufficiente che scivolino in mare, cosa che accadrà quando le barriere di ghiaccio marino che circondano le terre polari cederanno. Allora enormi iceberg cadranno in un mare sempre più caldo il cui livello comincerà a salire velocemente. Questo accelererà ulteriormente lo scioglimento delle barriere che lasceranno passare sempre più ghiaccio terrestre in mare.
Basterà un aumento medio della temperatura del pianeta di tre gradi per far sì che intorno alla metà del secolo tutto il ghiaccio si sarà sciolto o finito in mare.
Il livello delle acque si sarà allora sollevato di sei metri.
is hard to believe, I know. It is difficult to imagine the water rising inexorably, and he holds the Pier San Domenico, which is invading the village, which floods the Town Park. How do you imagine Corso Umberto that flows directly sea or submerged cathedral? It is difficult and painful for me to imagine my daughter forced to leave the house that belonged to my parents and my grandparents before them, and where in this moment I am writing these lines.
I more or less these things while, a few days ago, attended a public meeting whose theme was the future of the port of Molfetta. Everything that was said seemed rational and acceptable: Corridor 8, China, the new centrality of the Mediterranean, enlargement of the Suez Canal, and yet the need to seize the opportunity to create growth, to grow the GDP, create jobs ...
During the meeting, traders represented very well the logic where you have to move: markets, prices and infrastructure. The politicians then have done everything possible to show able to do their job, to spend public money that is in the best possible manner.
But what would have happened if someone had stood up and said that he wants to do everything that is likely to remain submerged in a few years and that as soon as conditions allow the melting of ice at the North Pole the big ships will desert Suez preferring the cheaper and quicker passage to the Northwest?
Even without provoking derisive laughter ed'incredulità, a response that such intervention would have hoped by politicians and economic operators if not, at best, an 'I understand, I agree but I can not do my work "?
There is a gap, an irreducible separation that divides the arguments of Al Gore from what we can do to improve our living conditions here and now. If we have another hot that we can do except turn on your air conditioner?
Even if we were on his shoulders the burden of the world, maybe we should not think first of our daily lives, from the mutual pay for their children's studies at the end of the month?
Maybe we can pretend to do something for the planet by reducing personal use of the machine, but if the cars we sell we can only hope to sell more. We fear the disappearance of the great rain forests, but if you want to sell more and sell more flooring planks of Iroko, Padouk or doussié.
Even when we try to adopt an environmentally friendly lifestyle as well as in her daily television and newspapers suggest, we can not help but wish that the economy continues to grow. And this leads us inexorably 6 meters under the sea.