Sunday, July 15, 2007


Short history of starless sky

Zapp This number will still be on sale when, as every year, driven by the ritual calls Agostani print and television, will raise his eyes to the sky during the night of San Lorenzo in search of his rain of tears, and we realize, once again, that the stars are gone.
Human eyes can easily see stars fainter than magnitude 6, stars that is about one hundred times less bright Vega or forty times less than the North Star: about 2100 stars above the horizon 30 degrees. Today we have difficulty in Molfetta see stars of magnitude 3 and so we see no more than forty. If we move slightly away 'from the city will be able to see, with a little' luck, a couple of hundred, but also on the first Murge not be able to count many more than 400, is slow, even in the most serene nights, to distinguish the Milky Way.
What's worse is that the phenomenon is increasing: in 2025 our galaxy could be completely invisible in every part of Italy.
the City of Light was the first city in the world to experience what we call light pollution: the traveler who arrived in Paris in the second half of the nineteenth century was struck by his empty sky, bereft from the stars cleared from the street lighting was as if the heavens had been turned over and the stars fallen to earth.
It was not just lights, it seemed that the same supercelestial had been emptied of any god from a rational and materialistic civilization that no longer sought in the sky, the constellation diagrams in precise transits of the stars and the wires that tended those between humans and the reasons and the sense of what is happening.
"There is not one of you, dear colleagues, who did not see the moon, or at least that has not heard. " In From the Earth to the Moon Jules Verne start communication so that the president Impey Barbicane held for the benefit of other members of the Gun Club is not only Anglo-Saxon humor could describe him as a French writer who needed to raise more head to scan the sky? Why interest in the Moon and its phases? He was here on this earth who now lived gods and myths, there just balls of incandescent gas. There was in those years of a nascent modernity growing disregard for the things of the sky that could be revived only by looking to space as a territory to conquer.
Gradually, the stars began to darken dappertutto. Lampione dopo lampione anche le città più piccole hanno cominciato a sfidare il cielo.
Oggi, secondo l’Organizations against light pollution in EU ( ), il 99% della popolazione dell’Unione Europea vive in aree dove il cielo notturno è inquinato, il 90% vive sotto una luce artificiale perenne equivalente a quella emessa dalla luna piena, per più del 60% la “notte” non arriva veramente mai, quasi il 50% ha perso la possibilità di vedere la Via Lattea, galassia in cui viviamo, e circa il 15% non ha mai guardato il cielo con gli occhi adattati alla visione notturna a causa dell’alta luminosità del cielo.
Negli ultimi 40 anni c’è stato un aumento di luminosità di circa il 10% ogni 12 mesi e la notte risulta ormai almeno 10 volte più chiara di quanto dovrebbe essere naturalmente.
Circa il 30% della luce emessa dall’illuminazione stradale viene dispersa verso il cielo con un inutile spreco di energia che provoca il disorientamento degli animali migratori e disturbi nei cicli circadiani degli uomini.
Dopo l’ultimo forte terremoto che colpì la città di Los Angeles nel dicembre del 2003 i centralini telefonici degli Istituti scientifici locali furono presi d’assalto da cittadini che chiedevano che cosa fosse successo al cielo: la sospensione dell’energia elettrica in moltissime zone della città aveva reso see the starry sky remained hitherto practically unknown in a city that now barely at night you can see the full moon.
Yet there is perhaps someone who could blame the old mills in the Village of Dreams Kurosawa asks: "Who might want a sky without stars?" In 1992 UNESCO declared the starry sky "world heritage 'humanity'.
In Italy none of the various proposed laws against light pollution has been able to complete its process, on the other hand 13 regions, including Puglia since 2005, you are given the rules and regulations. Today, all new equipment for street lighting must have a zero emission level above the 90th and all the old equipment must be replaced within the next 5 years. In addition to allowing us to see some more star this alone will allow the city of Molfetta save at least € 250 000 per year.

and environment Verne wrote From the Earth to the Moon in 1865. He died in 1905, when my grandfather was seven. It was twelve when in January the city of Molfetta ordered to shut down for a few hours of the night street lighting, gas, allowing its citizens to enjoy the magnificent view of the great comet that took up almost half the sky. The view of that star and the other comet, that of Halley, whose tail a few months after it was crossed by the Earth sparking fears of all kinds, she passed on to my grandfather, although she was illiterate, a passion for astronomy that he did return from America, where he later emigrated, laden with books Flammarion.
Postilla 05/12/2007
"Consider," cum sidera , that is put together to chart the stars and constellations, therefore, form and meaning and narratives. But also feel one with the sky and, because of that empathy, divination, wishes to draw.

"Want", de sidera , turning away from the sky.
The desire of the lack of the desired thing, the breaking of the original: the loss of the ability to "consider" to feel at one with the stars.