The privatization of magenta
When everything was finished and while the first fires were lit in the light of sunset flushed, the fez and trousers of the Zouaves exhausted by fatigue, open shirts on breasts rattling, the ground soaked with blood, boots, bayonets, the hands, the whole world seemed to be colored red, a red so deep that the world would be if you forgot. And so, a few months later, when he discovered the first artificial dye-based aniline, which he soon replaced the "red turkish "extracted from the madder dye just like the trousers of the Zouaves, François-Emmanuel Verguin called it" magenta ".
were those, years in which men seemed that a better future was at hand. The story was finally set in motion, threw the light of science lightning that pierces the darkness of ignorance, and all the chains that oppress humanity seemed they were about to break.
Even the colors seemed to want to participate in the redemption of the old.
In 1856, three years before the Battle of Magenta, mauve Perkin "was the first artificial dye to be produced. I had always been red color expensive for the rich and powerful: the emperor and the Roman senators were dressed in precious purple, the Rubia tinctorum the kermes el'iperico had done for centuries, the fortunes of the medieval dyers who extracted the red madder, carmine and the "blood of St. John" and sold the pieces of cloth stained red at a price ten times higher than the already expensive dyes with blue, garnet extracted from the cochineal nopal (the one commonly called "prickly pear" ) collected in the Mexican city of Oaxaca, with gold and silver was considered one of the main treasures that the English imported from the Americas. The
coloranti artificiali permisero ai miserabili di vestirsi di rosso: era un po’ come se avessero conquistato il cielo. Inorriditi dall’idea di confondersi con il volgo i nobili e i ricchi volsero allora le loro preferenze ai grigi, ai neri e alle tinte pastello. Il rosso, che era già considerato un segno di sfida, avrebbe da allora in poi rappresentato le cause popolari e il cuore, la passione e il mettere a disposizione delle ragioni degli oppressi il proprio sangue. Senza queste nuove, economiche tinture artificiale, di lì a poco i vessilli rossi non avrebbero sventolato sulle barricate della Comune di Parigi. E Garibaldi non avrebbe potuto permettersi quel gesto di sfida e di gioia che era indossare la camicia rossa.
T-Mobile è a company of Deutsche Telecom in charge of mobile telephony in the Register of European patents is the color magenta on its property with the code 002534774 CTM award. The T-Mobile has sued other companies that had used the magenta in their logos on their packaging . Many people have rebelled against what is perceived as an intolerable expropriation ( , ).
Companies will have the right to record evidence of identity and because these companies can differentiate their products from those of competition is a guarantee for consumers who need to be certain of the provenance of what they buy. Is allowed to register and exclusive use of logos, packaging, typefaces and colors alone or in combination, jingle, music, in short any "sign" can be patented.
But a color as such, that is not defined by graphical shapes, can be considered a sign? In
linguistic "sign" means an entity composed of a signifier and meaning, united by a code. That a color per se could be a sign to all intents and purposes we realize when we avoid the red cross (I realize that This example may seem to those who live in Molfetta of limited validity). But when the law recognizes that a color in the abstract can be considered a sign (and you do not see how he can avoid doing so) that happens, because the colors displayed on a monitor are 16,777,216 (printable ones and much less ) and that on this planet we are six billion, if all we wanted a color claim to exclusive use, there would not be enough. Without prejudice to the principle
therefore necessary to understand how to handle it. The case is moving right between the need to protect the identity of the equally good products need to prevent the unrestricted freedom of some mini freedom and the rights of many. Limit the commodity sector for the exercise of exclusive rights, consider the main colors of essential result, grant registration only color already commonly regarded as uniquely related to a brand: try all ways, the results uncertain.
Kraft won in 1995, the registration of the pack of typical lilac Milka chocolate, claiming the exclusive use for any product made with chocolate was the first color mark-legally protected in Europe.
But always, Kraft Foods, the American food giant, has recently recovered from a domain French seamstress whose name is just "milk". The Tribunal de Grande instance di Nanterre ha dato ragione al gigante dell'agroalimentare, condannando Milka Budimir a cedere la proprietà del nome di dominio alla multinazionale. A nulla è servito che il nome della donna fosse proprio “Milka” e che non facesse la cioccolataia.
"In questo caso, si trattava di decidere se il titolare di un marchio può proibire a un terzo l'utilizzo di un segno distintivo - ha commentato Gérard Haas, avvocato della signora Budimir -. I giudici hanno ritenuto che l'identità del nome non dia alcun diritto nel mondo degli affari e in materia di diritto commerciale. Il marchio trionfa. Non abbiamo ancora deciso se faremmo appello".