Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What Happens When Your Finish With Poptropica

My blood sport: the mystery of football

(a Mimmo Favuzzi, tifoso dell'Inter)

Italy has about 2% of its GDP to agriculture. At 2.7% calcium. That's football, including allied industries would be the fifth country's industry. I do not know whether it is more surprising given itself or the fact that it is possible, actually, to define "industry" to chase a ball in his underwear and socks.
Critics of GDP, those who believe false measure of wealth, would certainly have much to say about it, I'll just note that the representation that Antonio Cassano has made of himself, in a recent television interview, it would be profoundly mistaken: it a "-nothing" it would, but on the contrary, in person extremely acute at which the whole country should be grateful, and not only for the magic he is capable of with their feet, but because physically it makes us all richer.
Keynes argued that from the point of view of efficiency of expenditure in order to stimulate demand and therefore economic growth, including building roads and bridges, or, rather, to dig holes for backfill there would be no difference. And I'm sure, if he had been asked to express an opinion, would not fail to recognize the social utility players certainly not inferior to that of hypothetical digging ditches.
It is known that industrial production in a capitalist society is by nature a surplus: more you create more goods with fewer workers. Dissipate quickly what ever faster and ever more abundant is produced by a decreasing number of employees paid less and less is the first major problem of what we call, even without irony, "civilization of consumption": a "civilization" that must incrementante consume goods with the speed necessary to sustain the economy, if not to be forced to hope for natural disasters, or even to resort to war to fill the lack of demand.
is true that we could solve the problem of redundancy and wasted all working less, giving us creative laziness, alla ricreazione filosofica, a tranquille passeggiate salutistiche. Ma senza surplus non ci sarebbe accumulazione e non esisterebbero differenze sociali.
Né la necessità di trovare una giustificazione a queste differenze: come far sì che il paradosso, per cui a venir beneficiato dalla moltitudine di chi ha meno è chi di più ha, non sembri tale, come fare in modo, cioè, che gli happy few non solo non siano oggetto di risentimento, ma che anzi siano amati da un numero di persone sufficientemente grande da garantire la stabilità del sistema sociale, è l’altro grande problema.
Per lungo tempo la nascita illustre e un dio che tutto considera rendevano sufficientemente motivati ogni dispensa, franchigia or advantage. Today, the evil legacy of Bastille Day, every privilege is likely to be viewed with distrust and suspicion. Common sense is now cemented in the idea that only the merit to justify wealth and inequality and does not seem possible, at least in the short, a return to ancient principles.
The exponential growth of production of goods el'ineludibile shrinking number of manufacturers such forces, it is inevitable to expand the boundaries of respect and recognize as a virtuous activity of the most varied and imaginative. What I will not list here and not even to mention because I do not wish to risk being accused of practicing the easy irony that comes from resentment.

La parola “sport”, che con “diporto” condivide l’etimo, appare una delle prime volte nella lingua inglese in un sonetto di Shakespeare:
For why should other's false adulterate eyes / Give solution to my sportive blood?
che trovo tradotto:
Perché mai dovrebbero gli occhi altrui adulteri / considerar vizioso il mio amoroso sangue?
Lo “sport”, nella sua accezione originale, va inteso come una predisposizione del sangue a infiammarsi senza tornaconto, senza una ragione vera, ma solo per amore dell’amore.
Gratuità e diletto: non molto delle caratteristiche fondative è remained in pro sports of our time, at least those who practice it.
But for those who watch him on TV sitting comfortably in a chair held by competitive trance, oblivious to all mothers, wives and children, and VAT to pay, dismissal of pending, everything remained as before. At the first whistle the sad principle of economy, the call boring to do what is good is forgotten and the waste involved is jubilant.
If you squander it should be, not where it belongs especially football to do so?
That the world is thus dissipated in a veronica, or in a paso doble, in a tunnel and into a back-heel, one of those perfect moments that celebrate a communion extended to humanity this whole "mystery endless beauty" that is life and football, football and life.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Powerpoints Travestis

"The disaster is inevitable," notes the end of the world

entering Barletta Trani coming from, having left behind the castle and have passed the Porta Marina, take Via del Carmine Walls. Here we run into these walls and in this writing.
(Semiotics as intended Hjelmslev is essentially a theory of form. It is language that gives shape and meaning to the world. Without the language the world would be unknowable formless matter is indeed unthinkable.
The apocalypse, that 's inability to account for the world, is a disintegration of reality, the loss of the world it operational.
If, as alleged, was the author of the preface to his Gospel that John the words "in the beginning was the Word, "is a parable of its coherent whole.
The lie in the ancient world was a mortal sin because it was seen come un contributo all’instabilità del mondo: l’Apocalisse è il regno della menzogna.)
Dolce è la parola "catastrofe" nel suo originale significato: indicava infatti quel che accadeva alla fine delle tragedie greche, quando tutto andava a compimento e il fato, di cui le macchinazioni di uomini e dei cercavano di mutare la via, riprendeva inevitabilmente il suo corso.
Dolce, dicevo, perchè il senso delle cose veniva infine riconquistato e gli uomini nel considerare gli eventi a cui avevano assistito, non potevano non riconciliarsi con il mondo.
La prima volta that the word "catastrophe" was used in the modern sense and at the Lisbon earthquake as Voltaire, Rousseau and Kant will exchange views on divine justice and rationality in the world.
The term is now abused and "catastrophe" today we mean a sudden event that can upset this balance and create an epochal break, irretrievable divide between what was there before and what follows.
SJ Gould developed the theory of "punctuated equilibrium". The history of life is this: long, long periods where everything is discounted and mechanisms in chasing stories already seen regular violence and fantasy production, and then, suddenly, comes the catastrophe. Rarely per eventi "esterni", "naturali", "oggettivi", più spesso per logica e inevitabile conclusione della strada imboccata dalla vita.
Dal punto di vista di un virus o di un batterio la morte dell'ospite infettato, potrà sembrare strano, costituisce una catastrofe: milioni, miliardi di suoi simili muoiono con il corpo di chi li ospita. Se si espandesse troppo in fretta il patogeno provocherebbe la propria fine come specie.
Eppure che cosa ha fatto se non seguire il proprio naturale egoismo vitale? Ma dovrà mutare per evitare altre catastrofi: la sifilide in meno di cent'anni ha imparato a risparmiare gli uomini.
La catastrofe non è cosa "prepolitica". È, anzi, l'orizzonte nel quale oggi si manifesta il our actions - inevitably - political.
is not something to aspire to, is not the savior that appeal to our inability to change the state of things.
is something to avoid. Like the plague, in fact.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Racing Throttletwin Carburetors

Growing meat

In vitro meat

The news goes back to last April: the PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), one of the most well-known international organizations for animal rights since this is bare actresses and models against fur, has a prize of one million dollars will go to those who fail first, by June 12 2012, to produce animal tissues in the laboratory of taste and texture indistinguishable from the chicken and which may be brought to market at a competitive price.
Although fillets and steaks are not essential to human nutrition, and even if you sell a certain amount of vegetarian more or less successful imitations of the flesh, there is a considerable number of people who, although not completely insensitive to the suffering animals, they can not give up steaks, scallops and beef shanks. So PETA has chosen pragmatically, to reach out to this carnivorous humanity no longer expect to redeem in the belief that allowing unrepentant eaters of pork chops, sausages and paillard to continue to satisfy their carnal desires, while avoiding the daily slaughter of cattle, pigs, chickens, turkeys, sheep, lamb and quail, not to mention fish and shellfish that end up on our tables every day, not a strategy "uncomfortable "uncomfortable, as expressed Ingrid Newkirk, co-founder and president of the organization.
Despite the optimism of the Newkirk thought aroused by the deep concerns of many animals: in the same PETA reportedly would break out something like a "civil war". Indeed for many purists
animal rights initiative is seen as a resa morale, perché riduce o elimina le giustificazioni etiche (la sofferenza arrecata a esseri viventi) e ambientali (la smisurata impronta ecologica degli allevamenti) a favore del vegetarismo, rendendo il mangiare carne una decisione accettabile.
Le tecnologie attuali consentono di produrre al più un sottile strato di cellule, un “foglio” da cui si può a fatica, e a costi elevatissimi, ottenere una poltiglia adatta, forse, a fare salsicce e hamburger. Ma fra non molto sarà possibile irrorare il tessuto in coltura con vasi sanguigni di modo che anche le cellule che non vengono a contatto con il liquido nutriente potranno essere alimentate a dovere, permettendo così alla carne di aumentare adeguatamente di spessore. And you can also see that in the flesh there is a bit 'fat and bones to finally get a real steak. If you want even a Florentine simply stem from Chianina.
At that point, the process will be developed to make it economically viable, perhaps the most difficult aspect of the affair: now the cost of cultured meat is estimated at around $ 4 million per kg., Against a cost in industrialized countries, extremely low as it ever was in history, thanks to genetic selection, all'irrisorio cost of energy and transport, food supplements and "rationalization" of the plants: the suffering of animals in fact do not generate costs, as long as they do not die before slaughter. Can you imagine
mileage chicken breasts on conveyor belts that move toward the cutting el'impacchettamento? Would be very healthy, "because the meat substitutes are produced under controlled conditions impossible to maintain in traditional farms and this will be safer, more nutritious, less polluting and more humane than conventional meat" as stated on the website of the New Harvest ( http://www.new-harvest.org ), a company founded in 2004 with the aim of "supporting the development of meat substitutes, with the aim to long term to create economically competitive alternatives to conventional meat. "
fillets, future, certainly much healthier than those derived from chickens in battery cages crammed to capacity, obese and full of ulcers caused by the excrement in which they are forced to sit for weeks, dosed with antibiotics and kept awake to catch everything which has a straw color for all 35 days of their short existence and hallucinated. Fortunately, there is not much in those pale and tasteless slices and placed on a Styrofoam tray and wrapped in DOMOPACK, with a nice reassuring label to return the weight and price and expiration date and provenance, to remind us that once were part of a living being.
So why not consider producing organs, limbs, quarters ready for slaughter without victims? Bones and cuts and broken fragments will not give pain. And how will we feel guilty eating meat never born and therefore will never die even when ingested and digested? We also cultivate
leather tanning, as well, without guilt we might avoid giving up belts, shoes, jackets and wallets. We can get along with ermine skin rugs and mink or fox fur silver and clear. And what about pigs made of sun thighs? We could even think of making culture stem cells from ourselves. It would be cannibalism? And if we imagine to produce whole animals with no brain, so use what we need most?
In these fantasies the absence of the brain seems to be the ethical limit unsurpassed: we must give up their capuzzi with potatoes.
Who knows, maybe the destiny of man as a species is just to give nightmares to their materiality.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Which Is Better Visio Vs Sanyo

Landscape with tank

The massacre of March 3

The Truck Center, just over a large car wash is located in the Industrial Development of Molfetta, 400 hectares ten years ago were a sea of \u200b\u200bolive trees: one hundred thousand have been killed, uprooted and shipped to the North to decorate the gardens of the parking lots of malls and Brianza Triveneto, or torn to pieces in order to obtain parquet or just firewood. Dry stone walls, blades, towers and farms, was not spared nothing: the monastery of San Martino, which dates to the thirteenth century, has become an area of \u200b\u200bexposure to bidet faucets and cups. As urbanization progressed, the streets were just drawn regularly accumulated waste and inert materials that came from everywhere, attracted by the suspension of the rules in a that was no longer under the responsibility without the city was still not fully come under the jurisdiction of another agency, only to disappear under the weight of the machines schiacciapietre.
few days later, when the track had just cooled down on those streets still deserted and surrounded by nothing came the jockeys to ride horses, momentarily distracted the slaughter, in street racing. At the end
industrial settlements are reached, a seventy, many of whom paid as a result of relocation with the 488, and especially the Fashion District, the "City of fashion", with the second floors of buildings fake, with multiplex cinema and with squares of polystyrene, the new place di struscio per le nuove generazioni che disertano ormai quello che da cuore della città si avvia a diventare una melanconica periferia senza centro. Domenica scorsa, due giorni prima della tragedia, alla presenza del vescovo che benedicendo auspicava anche lì, per ricordare la comune matrice cristiana, la creazione di un piccolo luogo di preghiera, del sindaco-senatore (centro-destra) e dell’assessore regionale (centro-sinistra), è stata inaugurata anche la Mongolfiera, centro commerciale con la “saracinesca più grande d’Europa” e una galleria di 110 negozi. Oggi, con un laconico comunicato, i Carabinieri hanno fatto sapere che in un capannone non troppo lontano sono state ritrovate, insieme a cinque Porsche rubate da un autosalone di una città vicina, migliaia di ogive e inneschi per confezionare munizioni.

Qualche giorno fa Bertinotti ha detto che «Non si può stare al tempo stesso con i lavoratori e con gli imprenditori». Ha segnato il territorio, l’ex presidente della Camera: da una parte chi vede che le disuguaglianze sono catene pesanti, dall’altra chi racconta di ascensori sociali da rimettere in moto e capaci di far apparire possibile per tutti una vita migliore. Da una parte chi del sogno salvifico della società senza classi si sente derubato da chi, dall’altra parte, racconta che la storia è già finita in una melassa interclassista affollata da immaginari padroni di se stessi. Bertinotti, ha dichiarato guerra all’illusione di una società che fluida è solo nel suo apparire, solo perché capace di nascondere i fatti sotto una coltre di narrazioni frammentate, solo perché capace di confondere e sparigliare i nomi delle cose in modo da far scambiare la mutevolezza e provvisorietà delle differenze con la loro scomparsa.
Ma qui, a Molfetta da dove scrivo, i cinque morti del 3 marzo raccontano di una società in cui è sempre più difficile rintracciare con nettezza il confine fra lo sfruttato e lo sfruttatore, dove è sempre più difficile distinguere il libero professionista o il padroncino dal precario, il terzista dal cottimista, l’incertezza subita dalla flessibilità goduta. Raccontano, quei corpi ammucchiati nella cisterna, di una realtà in cui è sempre più arduo porre un individuo, nella sua totalità sempre più imprecisa, multiforme e frammentata, di qui o di là dalla linea che divide gli oppressi dagli oppressori. Qui non è stato come alla Thyssen-Krupps dove da una parte li vedevi bene i padroni in giacca e cravatta e dall’altra gli operai in tuta nell’inferno dei laminatoi; qui i solchi, i confini passano attraverso le anime e i corpi di persone che, come tutti noi, di volta in volta si trovano a essere vittime e carnefici: qui le responsabilità non sono rintracciabili in ruoli precisi e in incurie certe.
È, piuttosto, tutto il sistema di produzione che esternalizzando le mansioni per tagliare i costi, shatters the responsibilities in a flimsy dust: the entire system of regulations that all too often fall on those who can not support him because he is a weak link and blackmail, sandwiched between those who impose the price of labor and the bank does not credit .

lavage were experts, it was said, was not the first time you wash tanks which had carried potentially dangerous substances. Perhaps doing a job which they had underestimated the risk, were found to be a cog in a machine probably unaware that tends to get rid of the recycling costs and securing the danger dispersing, pouring wherever it happens. What purpose would that poison if circumstances had not taken a turn so tragic? What happened to the contents of other tanks? I want to be reassured, I wish someone would tell me that they are not finished, running into the ground, into the sea just a few hundred meters where the summer I go for a swim.

For next summer, near the Outlet, it is expected the inauguration of "Land of the Giants' theme park.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Hard Blisters On Feet

" man's land "

(which speaks of the gardens below the house)

soon after entering the die is an avenue of waste and aims more decisively towards the west, right over the area of \u200b\u200bgames, looking for a center, false than that which was the original layout of the square, where, surrounded by curved benches from the back side by side in sufficient number to close the circle, was planted a thin shell that will probably be many years a tree can give shade to those who want, on the bench, sit down.
Later, a recess in the enclosure is home to mighty stone products and cement, steel and wood that were intended to hide the rubbish bins, but end up instead in order to highlight the presence blatantly remember, even it were a monument to modernity consumer, that everything we buy, sooner or later there will will end.
is not particularly bad or good that this new garden is to take the place of another garden, or too ugly or beautiful, but in my eyes at least had the merit of being there since I was memory: this new, with the usual benches purchased in the catalog, with the usual street lights inexplicably excessive in number, with the usual lawn survived on little land tiles and concrete, with multi-colored wooden toys are seen as equal by now Canicattì Brescia, is just what you'd expect to find under home once exceeded that prohibit signs to play ball and bring dogs and bicycles and do all that we imagine to want to make a green space. It is, in short, the garden district that taught us to imagine giving us playmobil dolls as children: that things should go in a certain way, it is good to learn from children.

"Garden" is derived from a word of Germanic origin, as the corresponding Greek word paradeisos which in turn descends from a Persian word, means a place enclosed, indeed, "the" place par excellence enclosed space, where as in a hatchery, or a vase, or in the womb, what is really Man is born and is protected with what nature is benevolent to man and then planted.
"Garden" is, therefore, the "land men" in opposition to what is hostile and incomprehensible. Later the place
walled closed, the area where they wanted to exclude all that part of the phenomenal world, which could induce anxiety or unpleasantness in its visitors, has become a place of delight for a few more to interdict, and then start from late eighteenth century, to be open to all: the "public garden", a real oxymoron, owes its existence to the Enlightenment and the Revolution that made a common good that which was previously reserved for the clergy and nobility.
The garden will suffer in those years the same process of worldliness which will subject the art at that time, and permanently, separates his camp from that of religious celebrations. From then on there will be "art" as a place of experimentation and "sacred art" as a place for a canonical representation gradually slip into kitsch, while the garden to be "exciting machine," a place of enchantment and meeting with the ineffable, become a rational place dedicated to the recreation of healthy bodies.
Today we use the same word to denote spaces in the vicinity of trees stations and those who walked the terraces Semiramis of Babylon, and we will have no difficulty in calling the "garden" open areas, sometimes dangerous and should be avoided as they are frequented by prostitutes and drug dealers. Homonymy
This is the scar of a landslide of the soul is no longer nature but to seem dark and dangerous feel, if anything, that is more in the nature to need to be defended by the dark impulses of man (the park, In this sense, is exactly the opposite of the garden). The whole world is now "ground man" and do not need fences to keep out threats, "external" and to prevent those "internal" coming from vandals and thugs: the treatment is the same defense that we must make efforts to preserve any public property. The garden is thus reduced to street furniture, which is celebrated in space that is the equality between a bench and a fence, a lamppost and a tree, a lawn and a sidewalk.
And so while all around the first barrel to blow up New Year's Day looming, a short, rubbish bins and public drinking fountains, I'm here at square Giovene, which concerns me a bit 'surprised that this new space is the old one as is a fitted kitchen to the dining room of my grandmother with the furniture in the tradition of trying to engage some of the local Liberty hints learned by browsing catalogs and Paris where we crowded in many, but just so many, that seemed to be their "home".

Friday, February 8, 2008

Chicken Pox Blood Stool

The Post-consumer plastic and eternity

The island of desires consumed

The largest landfill in the world, told Tuesday, February 5 's Independent was discovered dall'oceanografo American Charles Moore and consists of two floating islands connected to each other, both large as the United States is often up to ten meters, bordering the North Pacific currents in a stretch of sea between Hawaii and Japan: a death trap for all forms of life that has the misfortune of running into the endless wave of dirt and slurry on the water.
This soup translucent ", according to oceanographer, waste would receive about 100 million tonnes. It is not that much later: it is an amount far less than that in 2007 alone, including municipal and industrial waste, we have produced in Italy (by the way, is not strange that the waste will talk about "production" without embarrassment or irony?), a real trifle compared to the one billion and 300 million tons of garbage produced in the EU during the same period, but is everything plastic, the rhythm of what we Italians last year we threw away, put together in three decades.
is plastic, in fact, that the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is formed in greater part in all the imaginative ways in which our production-can fervor to decline: soccer balls and Lego bricks, kayaking and shopping bags, syringes, lighters and Barbie Laperonzola, dried and toothbrushes, chairs, dishes, cutlery and soldiers, aprons, boots, mattresses and inflatable dolls. All over the plastic at sea since it was invented fifty years ago, is still there, floating somewhere because, of all that mankind has been able to conceive in his long career as an apprentice sorcerer, the plastic is the closest thing to immortality.
And every substance or article which tells of the undying myths of men, plastic shares the fate has no soul because the soul, you know, have their own time and can not remain forever on this earth: the forms consume and degrade, the plastic did not form his or down from anything that has form. It is a matter pure and docile; can return to the touch feeling of leather, metal or glass, can be rigid or flexible, it can bounce and absorb shocks, it is malleable at will at any semblance able to fulfill all our desires, as an inflatable doll, in fact. In our imaginary
plastic has had ups and downs: she appeared as an icon of modernity in the '60s when, as brilliant and tangible revelation of a future lightweight, hygienic, durable and affordable for all, finally came to sweep away from life everyday household goods of the archaic worm-eaten wood, corroded metal and shards veined. The crisis of rejection, and a little 'also disgust, 70s triggered by its too rapid and indiscriminate spread, followed in the '80s, his tenacious survival of material indispensable. Finally, the new life of the '90s, when the wise marketing campaigns place in our imagination as the ultimate recyclable material, even capable, at the end of his life, to restore the energy used in energy plants to produce and forge them: the material perfect, able to live many lives before ending his life in a fire ritual and purification, which, as in the great fires of spring rituals, can still come and take food new life.
Now this island of discarded plastic that "wanders like an animal without a leash without anyone to take more care of her and that the return of form and soul that goes fashionable use of ephemeral burned at a time, this endless mass that can not degrade and finally, simply vanish, without the involvement of its creator that has imposed this unnatural immortality, this foreign matter in the life that knows how to mimic but not replicate, she takes leaning increasingly on the landscape of the men who contributed so much to create and maintain, thrown back what is done on Hawaiian and showing declining havens for aircraft, satellites, to the dismay of passengers passing ships in the form of a blob boundless, vomited to disturb the conscience.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Eagle Sport Metal Cores

What is now called upon to respond Pecoraro Scanio

We should be grateful to that of Campania, to show the world what is truly waste, exhibited that shames us all we try to keep your gaze into holes blacks of landfills and incinerators.
Here it is, therefore, exposed to decorate streets and squares, the final outcome of our daily activities: piles of things consumed but not enough to not be very pushy.
there is the pot of yogurt yesterday, the sheet that wrapped DOMOPACK the slice of beef a week ago. That jar of jam, remember?, And the box of chocolates? and the radio has stopped working and the phone that you did not like the most?
This museum of memory, which unfolds along the path leading to the supermarket and the daily ritual of consumption, prevents the drive from the consciousness that you forget easily elsewhere exasperating. The streets of Naples are the site of explosion in the daily return of what our civilization must be entirely removed, erased forever, permanently assigned to anything.

"Do you like Kipling?"
"I do not know, I've never kippled" Since the collapse
semantic which leads to exchange a writer for a gerund (or a Wife for a Hat) takes its name, in the novel by Philip K. Dick Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, the chaos that pounced on the world, overpowered. The
Kipple , it rains continuously and monotonously sull'incubo urban novel that will become a cinema screen Blade Runner is the ultimate result of the consumption of matter, the extreme outcome of entropic decay: the field is devoid of any mention form, is the world as it should be before the divine breath, is the final outcome of the semantic and physical consumption of things that cease to be what they are to become quell'indistinto where it is impossible to find any mention of differences though vague, that "gray" Klee stated that as chaos: neither white nor black, but the primordial lack of all colors, of light and dark place with no reference and direction, the space is a space where you can get lost without any possibility of salvation. It is the horror of chaos, the abyss yawning as defined dell'Abbagnano, it rains down from the sky always dark, to play a hopeless tangle city.
Matter exhausted, sterile. Atoms that can not bind to form molecules, particles unable to form atoms.
If this is what comes out of incinerators, well, very much like it, if not from a physical point of view of course from that of the logic of free trade without rules leading to consume everything until the final outcome.
A linear logic of this extreme consumption of annihilation without remedy in the world are opposed to the environmentalists.
of this opposition will realize tomorrow Pecoraro Scanio, called by a vote of no confidence to respond to the situation in Campania, which is still one who is able to take advantage of his opposition to the Strait of Messina Bridge, its caution against incinerators and power plants, his pointing out that the EIA and SEA can also show that the damage done at all costs may outstrip plenty not to do.
........................................... .........
PS 22/01
The fall of the facts in what is now the irreversible crisis of the Prodi government will prevent the environmental issue could be discussed in parliament in the form of making accused of the charge of the department of Environment and finish it under the carpet the next government, by being declassified, on behalf of the economic crisis looming, a mere matter of engineering.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Spa Ineed Male Brazilian Wax Toronto

Differences - Suicides in Algeria

A person who lived several years in Algeria told me a bit 'of days ago a story which he said has its origin in the North African country. I suspect that it is in fact an adaptation of a Maghreb tell widespread throughout Africa.

What is the difference between Switzerland and Algeria? If you want to commit suicide in Switzerland do not have to do is go to a store and buy what you need, dagger, pistol, poison sia.In Algeria, where there are no shops, no money, you have to go and then you pay the necessario.Ti from a friend who, however, stay certain, will not have exactly what you need but also an approximation and partial if it is a knife that will perhaps try the handle. On the other hand will know who you can have the blade and offer to be accompanied by him. Who will pay the blade, in turn, it will surely be devoid of rope to tie her neck, but he will point you to a friend able to provide it. At that point will certainly redo the wire all along the blade and go for those with a stone for sharpening. What you'll discover in his home has no water, so that everyone must go to that other friend who has already gone to the well today, but since he has only need a pitcher that will go in procession from that other that has a bowl. The bowl will have a hole, it is inevitable, e inizierà così un conciliabolo al termine del quale deciderete che non si può fare altro che recarsi, a piedi, nel villaggio vicino dove il possessore della corda riferisce che un lontano parente di suo cugino ha sentito dire di un barbiere che, a volte, ripara le bacinelle. Riparata la bacinella e tornati al villaggio le tue braccia saranno troppo pesanti, e la tua vita ti apparirà troppo leggera per pensare di porvi fine.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Wedding Card Congratulations Phrase

Christmas Carol

Dove si parla di pena di morte e dell'intrinseca fallacia dei sondaggi

While shepherds, potters and drawers of water is crowd the entrance to the cave where the Child was born, and Mary and Joseph, all included in their astonished delight, smiling shyly, complacent and afraid, the other statuettes quietly celebrating the news that earlier had given the news that a carpenter less well known than that referred to above has killed and dismembered his daughter of a notary in the Northeast, now proudly and emphatically stresses the fundamental role played by Italy in the UN endorsement of a universal moratorium on the death penalty.
spatial location equidistant between the crib and the TV, older relatives with whom spent Christmas, they just wish the author finished the scaffold dell'efferato crime preceded by wild torture, now in the heart felt emotions to emerge Green Mile and agreed, motivated by a genuine sense of loyalty, call saves the life of the world for all the Cains. And indignantly deny that they are contradicting themselves when I ask if they have therefore taken the awareness of being, as Italians, bearers of values \u200b\u200bthat lie in Latin pietas, in Christian thought and the Enlightenment Beccaria: they have not changed my mind on the butcher of human meat. In that case, I repeat, there is no doubt that death, to the electric chair or lethal injection, firing squad or by hanging, is the only possible answer. If you really are pressed, seek explanations and distinctions, but more than anything else, seem surprised by my exceptions do not detect any connection between the two, they do not see anything in this murder that could bring him back to the category of the condemned to death when the see you on TV you squeeze the heart, and thus continue to rely, without any hesitation or neurosis, the gallows for murder and mercy for the condemned.

Although we are an abolitionist country and although we have recently amended the constitution to remove the death penalty even in the Code of Military Justice, a survey commissioned in 1982 by the Doxa Institute Cattaneo, showed that 58% of Italians were see back in action in favor of the Executioner. Most recent polls, though less authoritative, not indicate substantial changes of opinion.

Yet, making trust and giving credit for good things that I have just mentioned, do you not consider that you could throw down with great ease a questionnaire, with lots of very effective control questions, from which to get answers from my relatives most certain firm convictions of both for and against the death penalty?
And if the attitude of my relatives were not rare but rather common, we should not conclude that we live in an age that to survive in us forces us to accept different opinions and even inherently contradictory?
And would not this mean that the average Italian is nothing but a fantasy statistical representation, the political weight unknown and varies considerably strained at will, whose only value the cost of the polls? And that, therefore, there is no clear limit between the polls and made those honest, but rather that everyone is different can be honest and packed at the same time, since all beliefs can live together peacefully in or near the heart of individuals and appear when summoned?

I say, even to make you think your relatives as well as the elderly should also be quite a bit 'dumb, how do you do that text?
I would love to give you straight! The fact is that in this day of Christmas I saw occur in front of my eyes, and with a concreteness that I would never have imagined, the perfect society of the bulkhead. The ghosts evoked by Marshall McLuhan, the imperial syncretism, the absolute approval, the bar talk taken to the measure of things, the views dropped from every fact and every argument, the right of peaceful coexistence insured to opinions at war with each other, partisans and Republicans alike in death, Mother Teresa and Moana Pozzi now holy fucking cell phone which has the field but not off the antenna from behind home my, no to incinerators and landfills, and live the cutlery, plastic speed limit to 130 per hour and no one to take into account cars that do less than 160, the car required to travel 500 meters and the "but because nobody does anything for the traffic, "" poor African children "and" stay away from our shores ...
It's Christmas and we're all a bit 'more good, yet carteddate , please.