Friday, December 31, 2010

How Long Does It Take To See Effects On Anorexia?

We arrived at the end of the year and a bit 'blog is almost deserted, but do not worry, I'm already working on a couple of post very succulent.

meantime I send you best wishes for a happy new year from all over the hiding place and leave you with a couple of quotes. To you choose one that seems more suited to this moment ...

whole year will be auspicious for you, not if you get drunk on New Year's Eve, but if a new year and in each another day you do what pleases God (various authors' theology of the Fathers)

Once the new year, we find ourselves overwhelmed by the routine. And this day there is absolutely identical. The "not" is true. Because recurrences are: to commemorate or to renew. Used memory and hope to go back through the eyes and mind. Or, conversely, to project forward. (Ilvo Diamonds)


Check out this banner just added, read, and then spread the word, even if it is almost the end ... Soon will post my theme and hope to win the big prize!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Skyto Dvd Improving Quality

Il Terreno

To simulate the soil are a number of years that use the cardboard or, as they always say the good ones, the celluclay:). Previously I used the Das, but the results were not satisfactory. The cardboard must be mixed in a container with a little water mixed with the glue to give it texture. Once well mixed it covers our base and creates the typical hilly terrain. When still wet, we can use small stones and earth to buy in the shops for model trains and all those elements that give richness to our ground (tanks, bins, bollards etc etc...)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Liver Stones Symptoms

Buone Feste a tutti!!

Hilare Natale et Annum Faustum! Feliz Navidad! Merry Christmas! ; Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Bon Nadal i un Bon Any Nou! Kung His Hsin Nien bing Chu Shen Tan! Mo'adim Lesimkha, Chena tova! Joyeux Noel! omedeto Shinn, Kurisumasu Omedeto! Kala Christouyenna! Dhuit Nollaig Shona! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia or Narodzenie Angry! Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva is Novim godom! BONU nadal e prosperu cancel now! Froehlich Weihnachten! Srozhdestvom Kristovym! Noeliniz Ve Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun! God Jul and (Och) Ett Gott Nytt År!

Leigh From Extreme Curves

20 + C + M + B + 10

We talked about it already the beginning of Advent last year and this year we continue the tradition of Nordic put on the lintel of the door 'input the text you see in the picture:

20 + C + M + B + 10

The meaning is easily explained, it is a blessing in Latin Home: ' Christus mansionem Benedicat ' but also the initials of the three Magi (Caspar, Melchior, Balthasar) who brought gifts to the stable in Bethlehem. And, of course, all'anno in corso.
In Alto Adige la scritta viene tracciata dai Cantori della Stella che, girando di casa in casa, rallegrano il clima natalizio con canti e musica. In cambio di allegria e felicità vengono offerti spuntini, dolci e vino caldo. Qui al Nascondiglio non c'è la neve, ma non ci manca mai motivo per una festa e così domenica notte, dopo un'allegra cena prenatalizia in compagnia, anche noi abbiamo apposto la scritta sull'architrave, perché non c'è benedizione più bella di un bel gruppo di amici con cui condividere le gioie e passioni (ma anche i momenti meno belli).

Quindi, Buon Natale a tutti e che sia un Natale pieno di felicità!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Homemade Littlest Pet Shop Invitations

La Basetta

To build a base " DIY, I turned to the Brico Center near my house where I bought a bar of a strip of plywood and 2x1, 5 cm. I cut the tablet into four parts, each about 20cm from that, when combined with wood glue, the banks will become our base. The board, which also cut into four parts, will be the frame. Inside I used a very heavy duty cardboard that will act da base del diorama. Per riempire i volumi ho usato del balsa foam che, si può trovare presso le rivendite di materiali per l'edilizia. In assenza di questo si può utilizzare anche del polistirolo da imballaggio. Il tutto è costato circa....5 euro!!! non male per una basetta! :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Talbots Price Adjustment

Che soddisfazione...

What satisfaction follow the google street view car through the streets of the city ... and photograph the machine that makes the photos ....

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Bleed With Mucus Before Period


Il carro è finalmente completato! next stop..... la basetta e i figurini! :)

Free Live Indiasrilankacricket

Pittura dei cingoli

Before proceeding to the real painting of the tracks, to make the color more grip on the metal face, step on the same primer gray. How to use the base of Tamiya Dark Earth, once I run a dry cleaning Bruno van Dyke oil and finally, to simulate the look and earthy pigments Dust Europe and the Gulf War Sand Mig Production. The runners metal mesh placed on the tracks they paint mixing colors Tamiya Chrome Silver and Gun Metal.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

How To Find Legendary Pokemons In Pokemon Deluge

Pittura dei particolari

After assembling the train rolling, I painted the details beginning with the tools: for the metal as a base I used Vallejo German Pardo Camo Gun Metal with lighted first and then with the Chrome Silver, for the parts I used wood as the base color with dark wood shed light on the later of light wood and the yellow desert.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Model 336 Cs Lever Action Rifle

Il Fango

Per ricreare il fango che viene accumulato dai carri armati nello scafo inferiore ho voluto utilizzare dei nuovi prodotti della linea AK Interactive, più precisamente Earth effect e Dust effect. Questi prodotti hanno come base lo smalto e, le loro tonalità sono molto realistiche. Per dare compattezza al fango ho aggiunto ai due colori un pò di gesso in polvere o, come dicono quelli bravi del Plaster :)) . Con un pennello piatto ho steso il composto su tutta la parte inferiore dello scafo. Once dried I used dry pigments of European Production MIG Earth and Gulf War Sand. Finally, with the help of the jet of air gun and a wet brush with two colors of the AK Interactive, I have recreated the splashes of mud on the entire hull bottom.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Adult Stars From Vancouver

L'invecchiamento - I lavaggi con l'olio

After the filters with Humbrol, the next step are the washing with oil colors. First, with a flat brush, moisten the with Humbrol thinner then apply a small amount of oil color and shading all down with a flat brush moistened with ever thinner. This technique is intended to change and mix together the various oil colors used to give an increasingly operating the cart. The colors I used are: Olive Green, White, Dark Yellow, Brown and Blue Wash

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Good Sales Cover Letters

L'invecchiamento - I filtri con gli smalti

Ageing of a military vehicle is probably one of the most interesting phases of the hobby.
Once dry the color I have begun the process of aging of the medium with the aid of the now known all over the world, the filter method (95% thinner-5% tint) that allows give a greater richness of color, in this case I used Humbrol enamel colors yellow, blue, pink and sand in several subsequent steps and waiting patiently for the complete drying of each filter.