I festeggiamenti iniziano ufficialmente quando la statuina lascia per la prima volta dopo un'anno la casa del signore che con cura ed orgoglio ha saputo custodirla gelosamente mettendola a available to all the devotees whenever they asked.
Once out, the statue will make the rounds of churches in the country, a ritual that takes place entirely on horseback, very impressive and exciting time, where some festaroli show off their creativity with floral decorations made of paper, with which adorn the propi horses.
Once out, the statue will make the rounds of churches in the country, a ritual that takes place entirely on horseback, very impressive and exciting time, where some festaroli show off their creativity with floral decorations made of paper, with which adorn the propi horses.
In the initial part of the procession, more precisely, first, there are three horses in the middle the new owner of the statue, left and right who hosted the 'year before and who will have the honor of having with it the 'year after, then follow the rest of the procession.

La giornata continuerà con l' apertura della processione da parte dei torciari, che accompagneranno il santo, dalla cattedrale fino alla nuova abitazione cantando e ballando in modo acceso e festoso.

E comunque tutta la fiaccolata e la festa viene coronata da vari cori e canti, in genere, "Evviva Sant'Antonio", accompagnato da "e che ce lo semo dimenticati", e altri vari...
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