Thursday, March 10, 2011

Marry In Mount & Blade

Comic strip created on-line

Comics made up
segnalatoci from the web site

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Sims 2 Doesnt Start Anymore

The version of Bacchus - Chapter 3 - What's flock, and Sti

The following text was transcribed from the personal diary of Bacchus, Flat Coat Retriever profession.
always working my three friends Abruzzi shepherds. It 's true, this is tireless people.
I find them after a long run of a few miles and as usual I'm happy to see me as I am to see them contend. I approach with the usual bows and trying to imitate their dialect, but I find it hard, but then I'm Tuscan home and my 'c' intake does not help.
begin to wag the first left and then right, jump on him in May and try to steal his red scarf but he bites down quickly and my neck. Just in time comes that Stefanino landslide on them both and takes my breath away for a few seconds. Before he can react Fi's voice is heard saying: 'Ue! Yellow and Rosch, lu CAFON s'arcunosc! Bacchus, rod cas d, comm sti? '
(I know, are not easy to understand, but I will try to make a translation)
' How nice to see friends, 'I tell him,' is as you pass here! '
'You know we spend all year' he replies Stefanino gnawing a bone.
'It's the same old boring' What adds. And then: 'The cambagna change'
'The cerque that little bit ago? the jiann! ' responds Fi.
'Lu lu dijùne greda Sazije nen' ends Sti.
They always do. They end the talk with a proverb. And when one starts, the others continue. They could spend entire days to speak in this way. And often do. I heard this rigmarole for entire afternoons. I remember so many that I could only open a page on facebook with their dialect.
But I do not lose heart. This time I came to hear them talk, but to ask you something important. Will they tell me something about Fagianecora?
Fi interrupt while you are saying something like 'Mej' n scarambambul that CEND 'sammalicch' (something that would interest me, but not right now), and ask him point blank what do you know about this mysterious animal .

The three look at each other, doubtful. That raises his head and cough, The paw is touched with the red bandana and looks at me straight in the eye, 'Who do you said that?' he asks.
'The old Rad', I say.
'Well, because this is an old secret and can not be revealed to all' adds Sti.
'No', complete Fi, 'The Fagianecora is a rare animal colors unimaginable. E 'reach, it shows only the most daring and those who can catch acquire extraordinary powers!' Concludes solemn.
'What extraordinary powers?', I immediately wonder.
'The power to avoid the droppings of the birds' says Che.
'The power to distinguish the good grass to eat from the bad that makes you the cud' continues Sti.
'The power to be as fast as a hare' closes Fi.
'm ecstatic. This adventure is the best that we can live. I absolutely have to know everything and start hunting the Fagianecora.
Taken from the diary of our oral dog Bacchus. Soon other episodes!

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Friday, March 4, 2011

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Fi version of Bacchus - Chapter 2 - A Carnival fagianecore

Radetzky, il vecchio pastore tedesco

Il seguente testo è stato trascritto dal diario personale di Bacco, Flat Coat Retriver di professione.
E' ancora fresco quando usciamo dalla stalla. Abbiamo fatto il solito giro, io, Al e Rad, i miei amici a quattro zampe. Che poi, anche io ho 4 zampe, ma non puntualizziamo troppo.
Siamo in vena di chiacchiere questa mattina e il vecchio Radetzky, il pastore tedesco che chiamo Rad, ha voglia di raccontarci di quando era giovane. Lui le ricorda, queste colline, even when turned their flocks of sheep and was full of pheasants.
'But the sheep are still there', I say.
'Yes', adds to the mutt,' and well pheasants out there, there's that boy who always goes around with his feathers clean and chest puffed '.
' not true ', replied testily Rad. 'You do not know what to talk about. When I was young like you, and inexperienced and brash .... Then there were sheep and pheasants. Yet fagianecore, beasts as large as sheep and pheasant with wings, full of colors and with a beautiful plumed tail. But what do you want to know ... I ... ....' I and then begins to mumble something incomprehensible in a German full of consonants.
Rad said the old man goes back to the nest, with the slowness and solemnity of an Indian elephant. Crosses his hind legs over each other, then leans forward and rests also sit on the floor with the skill of those who make these things all along. Sooner or later I'll have to learn to sit in this way.
and I look at it. We know that when he does that, the old Rad is not going to say one more word. But we are intrigued. We would like to know more about these Fagianecore but we do not know who to ask. Wander around a bit ', pass a few cars along the road. We can not ask the Yellow Dog, the one that knows no other fence and kennel. Once I asked him for information on passing a dove and he was able to answer only 'RECINTORECINTORECINTORECINTORE CINTORECINTO' barking with all the breath in his throat.

We still around in the barn, just to relax and let us come to some ideas e. .. I knew it, they smell heavenly memory took me back to old friends What kittens, and Sti Fi, the three shepherds from Abruzzo that I meet every year with their flocks to pasture. What is communism, with a red handkerchief around his neck and with a reputation for eating children Sti is short for Stefanino, born the day after Christmas and fat as if he had eaten all the dinner alone; Fi is short for whistle because is able to whistle as a shepherd and herding the sheep only in thought.
Story of my friends Al and say that I am going to ask them the story of Fagianecore.
Taken from the diary of our oral dog Bacchus. Soon other episodes!

Ps. If you liked the story, share it on Facebook, have it read to friends, follow all the episodes, talk about your blog! Bacchus will be really proud and happy!

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kitchen Vale! Giuli

We arrived just yesterday the program to the carnivals Ascoli, and Offida castignanensi. As they say in these cases: we receive and we gladly publish.
found the image above the menu will be offered in the following thematic restaurants
Ascoli Piceno
Trattoria Trattoria la Middio
Trattoria al Teatro
Trattoria dell'Arengo
Enoteca Kursaal
Lorenz Caffè
Ristorante Piccolo Teatro
Ristorante Pizzeria Leopoldus
Ristorante Enoteca Migliori

Ristorante Teta

Ristorante Osteria Ophis
Cantina del Picchio
La Valle del Sole

Il menù riporta prodotti tipici del territorio e cibi tradizionali di carnevale, quindi ce n'è per tutti i gusti. Noi vi segnaliamo i ravioli incaciati e i ravioli dolci stuffed with ricotta and brown. And you can not miss a taste of the fabulous Anisetta Meletti, the best of indigestion!

As for the carnival itself, here are some dates:
Ascoli Piceno
Saturday, March 5 at 10 am tournament sweep in Piazza del Popolo
ravioli 17 hours at the Loggia dei Mercanti
Sunday 6 competition from 10 masked groups in the center
Tuesday 8 from 14 masked groups contest in the historical center

Friday 14 hours Saturday Bov Fint
22 veglionissimo elegant at the theater tomorrow at 22
veglionissimo masked at the theater
veglionissimo carnival Monday at 22 at the theater
Tuesday at 19 vlurd

Monday 15 hour children's carnival at the theater
Tuesday at 19 de procession there Moccule

More information can be found here and here


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wendy Sabrina Calio Myspace

in the country's version of recycling

Today we like to tell you about an interesting blog. This is giuli in the country for recycling, a window on the internet in which Julia wrote her thoughts, post a recipe, and most importantly shows and reflects. Entering this world is really nice because every day there are many ideas to follow, images, thoughts and stories.
You can easily find traces of the scout, on ideas Basilicata which is Giulia, creativity expressed in a thousand different ways, very nice creative proposals for recycling and much more.
So do not waste your time, take a ride on the blog of Julia and then sappiatemi say ....

Meanwhile, Good Friday, carnival, Offida here today is the day of the long-awaited Bove Pinto, the day the statue of a bull running through the mediaeval streets of the city, stopping studied with many people who drink and party until late at night. It 'a very ancient festival and felt throughout the country. Shops and offices close, preparations are already underway for days if not weeks.
soon can post some pictures here on the blog, just to give you an idea.
If you have some beautiful and original blog to report, write a comment and we're going to see him, so soon we will have more sites to recommend to our friends.

Thank you!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Cache Winter at Sunrise Bacchus

The following text was transcribed from the personal diary of Bacchus, the Flat Coat Retriever profession.
Ah, what a beautiful sunrise!
The days are getting longer. I do not know exactly what that means, but I see that there is more light on him and I feel a strong and all four paws are willing to run.
just sold a bit 'of sunshine through the window, smells become stronger and I wake up. Then jump on the bed and lick the face of my master Dwight. Usually he wakes up and opens the door. If I see that sleep, I start to complain until it does what I want.
soon as the door opens and I run out start to run. Wait, just a little break for a pisciatina. I know, these are words that you should not write, but I'm a dog.
then continues to run. The muscles flex, the air is fresh, almost cold. The ears bouncing on the head, the ground is soft. Second pause, this time there is an olive tree that I have always used as a toilet. Then I take the momentum. Overcome the fields of artichokes, the old vineyard, the church and the house under construction, then again vineyards, olive groves and houses.
finally arrives. Bark at the yellow dog always behind bars and I find my old friends. Radetzky, the old German shepherd and Al, the mongrel piccolo ma pericolosissimo.
Li saluto scodinzolando così forte che muovo tutto il posteriore e faccio aria. Rad (lo chiamiamo così) alza stancamente le orecchie e mi guarda con il solito affetto. Al fa un paio di giri attorno a me e ci annusiamo. Usa un'acqua di colonia un po' scadente ma non glielo faccio notare, è un tipo permaloso. Facciamo pipì in giro, così tanto per fare. Rad è vecchio e ci mette un secolo ad innaffiare una pianta e qualche volta sbaglia pure il bersaglio.
Ancora un po' e ci mettiamo a parlare, come fanno gli umani al bar. L'argomento è sempre lo stesso. Io cerco una cagnolina con cui sistemarmi, ma ultimamente non se ne trovano. Rad mi dice di take it slow and remember how it ended with that of the house opposite, now that there is a pulcioso rumored to be my son.
I shake my head and say that I take my responsibilities. 'Scratch your fleas,' I tell him but he does not understand and begins to growl offended.

'Ok guys,' I do to lighten the tension, 'let's have fun!'. Trot all three to the cowshed.
can not imagine what a good smell comes from there. A perfume intoxicating musk and country life. Every day we spend at least an hour to do the mud and after the hair is smooth and smelling like after a bath in the milk of goat. You should try it too!
taken from the diary of our oral dog Bacchus. Soon, he will want, the other episodes!

* Any errors are due to my lack of practice with the language of dogs