Cache Winter at Sunrise Bacchus |
The following text was transcribed from the personal diary of Bacchus, the Flat Coat Retriever profession.
Ah, what a beautiful sunrise!
The days are getting longer. I do not know exactly what that means, but I see that there is more light on him and I feel a strong and all four paws are willing to run.
just sold a bit 'of sunshine through the window, smells become stronger and I wake up. Then jump on the bed and lick the face of my master Dwight. Usually he wakes up and opens the door. If I see that sleep, I start to complain until it does what I want.
soon as the door opens and I run out start to run. Wait, just a little break for a pisciatina. I know, these are words that you should not write, but I'm a dog.
then continues to run. The muscles flex, the air is fresh, almost cold. The ears bouncing on the head, the ground is soft. Second pause, this time there is an olive tree that I have always used as a toilet. Then I take the momentum. Overcome the fields of artichokes, the old vineyard, the church and the house under construction, then again vineyards, olive groves and houses.
finally arrives. Bark at the yellow dog always behind bars and I find my old friends. Radetzky, the old German shepherd and Al, the mongrel piccolo ma pericolosissimo.
Li saluto scodinzolando così forte che muovo tutto il posteriore e faccio aria. Rad (lo chiamiamo così) alza stancamente le orecchie e mi guarda con il solito affetto. Al fa un paio di giri attorno a me e ci annusiamo. Usa un'acqua di colonia un po' scadente ma non glielo faccio notare, è un tipo permaloso. Facciamo pipì in giro, così tanto per fare. Rad è vecchio e ci mette un secolo ad innaffiare una pianta e qualche volta sbaglia pure il bersaglio.
Ancora un po' e ci mettiamo a parlare, come fanno gli umani al bar. L'argomento è sempre lo stesso. Io cerco una cagnolina con cui sistemarmi, ma ultimamente non se ne trovano. Rad mi dice di take it slow and remember how it ended with that of the house opposite, now that there is a pulcioso rumored to be my son.
I shake my head and say that I take my responsibilities. 'Scratch your fleas,' I tell him but he does not understand and begins to growl offended.
can not imagine what a good smell comes from there. A perfume intoxicating musk and country life. Every day we spend at least an hour to do the mud and after the hair is smooth and smelling like after a bath in the milk of goat. You should try it too!
taken from the diary of our oral dog Bacchus. Soon, he will want, the other episodes!
* Any errors are due to my lack of practice with the language of dogs
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