Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
How To Play Poptropica 2
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Thor, Freddy, Stark, Thunder, Last, Zed, HELYOS, RedDagger, Dredd |
good game, which has dato possibilità a tutti di impegnarsi, giocare, sparare, insomma.
Sull'ultimo game, "Caccia ai matusa", vorrei dire che se vi regge, possiamo anche ripeterla; vedete, io avevo gli scarponi di Freddy, avendo dimenticato come un pirla i miei (l'età...)... Quindi in discesa, ho avuto qualche problemino; quantomeno i pollici sono ancora adesso doloranti...
Se non fossi caduto così miseramente, avrei coperto meglio la fuga di Thor che, comunque, HA RAGGIUNTO la strada. Per me, è vinta dai matusa, comunque, la prossima volta, spieghiamola meglio, così vi facciamo le tò tò, come si deve, a voi pupotti rimbamboliti :D
Grande Thor, per me, HAI STRAVINTO !!!
Ma comunque, grandi tutti !
Bella e proficua domenica, Patriot !!!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Cabelas Flintlock Muzzleloader
Friday, February 25, 2011
Impotence And Thyroid Problems
La foto definitiva, preferiremmo farvela vedere quando poi, l'opera, sarà piazzata nel suo naturale scenario :D
Comunque, intanto, vi facciamo vedere qualcosa, di quanto già anticipato al Presidente, al nostro amico Zeta e, in minima parte, questa mattina, sul Forum.
Sopra, vedete la difficile realizzazione della punta e degli alettoni... Ecco Freddy all'opera !!!
Chiaramente, pressati dalla urgenza, si è corso moltissimo, quindi l'opera non è perfetta, ma ben congegnata e fruibile :D
Come ha dichiarato Freddy, la prossima volta, ci metto meno tempo e lo faccio ancora più bello. Beh, io che l'ho visto finito, dico, e come fai a farlo più bello ?!?
However, I would just like to thank Freddy for his commitment and I, despite the bitter cold, I enjoyed it and I laughed a lot, especially when someone has sbriciato, from a building opposite, noting the strange object: D
Below, some details, of the hose, made from an old broken lamp, still packed the party, during the drying ...
And then, of course, the launch pad, yet to be finished, but already visible!
Now the first criticism that will be struck down eh!
prepare for the next game, is the arrival of the Patriot Missile Patriot: D
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
All The Colours Of Cubefield
Do They Sell Portable Tv Screen For Xbox 360
The square of Norcia |
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A huge ham exposed to the event |
Friday, February 18, 2011
Chicken Pox Virus Model
In effetti, per mesi e mesi, ho frequentato i SN canonici, e, più che altro, i più importanti aggregatori di notizie.
Colpisce che negli ultimi mesi, siano fioriti nuovi social network ad hoc, per la nostra comunità; fino a pochi mesi fa, non c'era nulla...
Bene, oggi vi presento SoftairLive.
Visit SOFTAIRlive !
Ora, io ancor debbo capire bene cosa sia un Social Network e cosa non lo sia; ma di sicuro qui, abbiamo varie e tante possibilità per immettere e consultare contenuti, per visualizzare i vari team e contattarli.
Abbiamo anche la possibilità di chattare, messaggiare, enter your photos, movies or news through the blog section, and much more ...
We, as usual, we immediately dive: D
Happy surfing, and not to softgunners ..
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Quotes About Endometriosis
Symptons Liver Failure Parrots
The first USAF C-5A was delivered December 17, 1969. Departments (Wings) were formed in the early seventies at Altus AFB, Oklahoma, Charleston AFB, the Dover AFB in Delaware, and Travis AFB, California. The first mission combat operations in the C-5 took place July 9, 1970 in Southeast Asia, as part of the Vietnam War, and remained operational throughout its course in missions of transporting troops and war equipment, including tanks and various aircraft. In addition, in 1973, the C-5 were used to transport arms and supplies to Israel as part of Operation Nickel Grass.
During the eighties the C-5A worship with a new wing to overcome problems of fatigue found in earlier models it regains its full operational capability expected from the original project. USAF tactical transport departments began to receive the first of 50 C-5B provided December 28, 1985. The complete avoidance order not end with the last one delivered in April 1989. The C-5 aircraft is the biggest I've ever worked in the Antarctic territory. The Williams Field, an airport located at McMurdo Station, is able to manage the operations of the C-5 and the first C-5 landed on its surface in 1989.
Since 2005, the USAF began to pick up the C-5A from operational service.
The first of 14 specimens, number 69-0004, was sent to Warner Robins Air Logistics Center (WR-ALC) to be tested and then dismantled. The estimates obtained from the tests served to assess the structural integrity of the airplane and to determine the operational life residua della flotta restante. I successivi 13 C-5A vennero inviati al Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group (AMARG) dell'USAF il primo dei quali, il numero 66-8306, subì il medesimo iter di quello inviato al WR-ALC mentre i restanti 12 esemplari vennero fatti oggetto di un programma di test non distruttivi finalizzati alla verifica delle soglie di affaticamento massimo e di corrosione.
Descrizione Tecnica
Il C-5 è un velivolo da trasporto dall'aspetto imponente, simile al predecessore Lockheed C-14 Starlifter, ma dalle dimensioni maggiori, caratterizzato principalmente dall'ala alta con un angolo di freccia positivo di 25 degrees, the plant based on 4 turbofan engine (or turbofan) TF 39 housed in as many engine nacelles mounted on pylons under wing and tail fin with a T. 12 are housed inside the wing fuel tanks and the aircraft is equipped for air refueling. It also has the access doors at both bow and stern to allow the passage of vehicles during the loading and unloading of cargo. Its load compartment measuring 121 ft (37 m) long, 13.5 ft (4.1 m) high, 19 ft (5.8 m) wide, with a total of 31,000 cu ft (880 m3), dimensions are likely to contain up to 36 standard 463L containers, or a mixture of materials on pallets and vehicles. The chamber load is a few inches longer than the route covered by the first powered flight in history, performed by the Wright Flyer. The opening of the doors front and rear access is such as to fully exploit the width and height of the hold and the ramps are of a width equal to the floor of the hold and allow you to take on a double row of vehicles.
There is an upper deck where they can sit up to 73 passengers, facing the tail and not the front, as happens in conventional passenger aircraft. At full load the Takeoff and landing are respectively 2500 m and 1500 m. The carriage of low pressure Landing on the runway, has 28 wheels better distribute the weight. The main landing gear rear casters to reduce the turning radius to maneuver in the ground and rotates 90 degrees to the horizontal position themselves after takeoff and before the retraction in the plane. During the loading and unloading, you can act on the truck to lower the height of the aircraft and facilitate the operations of transport equipment operating on the roadway.
The Galaxy has a self-diagnostic system with more than 800 data points called Madara ( Malfunction Detection Analysis and Recording ). The C-5 is also known by its crews FRED the initials of the phrase fucking ridiculous Economic / environmental disaster - fucked up, ridiculous economic disaster / environmental, because of its reliability problems and high fuel consumption. According to information released in 1996, it takes an average of 16 man hours of maintenance per flight hour. The Galaxy has a system known as Low Pressure Pneumatic System (LPPS) , namely low-pressure pneumatic system, which uses a turbine compressor driven by air bled from the compressors of the main engines and can provide a pressure of 150 psi necessary to inflate the tires to the ground.
The Galaxy is able to carry the United States to anywhere in the world almost every type of vehicle or system weapon of the U.S. military, including the M60A1 Armored Vehicle Launched Bridge (AVLB) gettaponte version of the M1 Abrams.
- C-5A
- original version of the C-5 carried out in 81 departments USAF aircraft delivered between 1969 and 1973. Due to the occurrence of structural failure in the wing loading capacity was reduced, giving rise to a program that will generate the version of C-5B.
- C-5B
- updated and changed in the wing structure, adopting a new wing of aluminum alloy, a new avionics system and a more powerful engine, the TF-39-GE-1C da 190 kN (43 000 lbf) di spinta. Realizzata in 50 esemplari riporta il C-5 alla piena operatività prevista in sede progettuale.
- C-5C
- versione modificata del C-5 con dimensioni della stiva incrementate e destinata al trasposto di carichi di grandi dimensioni. Realizzata in 2 esemplari viene utilizzata dalla NASA per il trasporto di satelliti artificiali dagli stabilimenti di produzione alle strutture addette alla loro integrazione con i sistemi di lancio orbitale.
- C-5M
- variante finale, attualmente in fase di valutazione, derivata da un programma che prevede la conversione di tutti i C-5B e C-5C e parte dei C-5A. Dotati di avionica ed equipaggiamenti dell'ultima generazione e di un nuovo impianto motore, i turboventola General Eletric CF6-80C2, presentano caratteristiche e prestazioni in linea con le odierne esigenze di trasporto strategico e, se approvati, sono destinati ad allungare la vita operativa dei C-5 negli anni a venire senza ricorrere all'acquisto di nuovi pari ruolo.
Monica Roccaforte Clip
Il Lockheed C-5 Galaxy è un quadrimotore turboventola da trasporto strategico ad ala alta prodotto dall'azienda statunitense Lockheed Corporation.
In service since the late sixties until today, the C-5 Galaxy is one of the world's largest military aircraft and in military field, is used exclusively by the United States Air Force.
The C-5, won a competition for a high-capacity transport aircraft and jet engines. Capable of over 100 tons of payload, was produced in two series, for a total of 131 specimens and had a similar nell'Antonov only An-124 Ruslan overcoming the An-22 Doors "Cock" who had just preceded . The load capacity was exceeded only finally by An-225 Mriya, the version of the Ruslan esareattore.
is currently being evaluated in a deeply updated version, the C-5M Super Galaxy that by converting the latest version of the Galaxy could complement the C-17 Globemaster III in operational service for the coming years.
In 1961, several U.S. aerospace companies began to study the opportunity to realize a project of heavy jet transport aircraft to replace the Douglas C-133 CargoMaster service and integrate into the Lockheed C-141 Starlifter. In addition to higher overall performance the United States Army expressed the need to take advantage of a tactical transport aircraft that could have a larger cargo compartment of the interior of the C-141, now it is too small to carry many items of equipment. Various studies led to the project "CX-4, but in 1962 a proposed esamotore was rejected because it was thought to have evolved significantly in the C-141.
Since the end of 1963, the new draft rule was redesignated CX-X, and equipped with four engines instead of six in the original design. The CX-X had a weight load of 550,000 pounds (249,000 kg), the ability to carry a maximum load of 180 000 lb (81,600 kg) and can reach a speed of Mach 0.75 (500 mph, 805 km / h). The cargo was brought to 17.2 ft (5.24 m) wide by 13.5 ft (4.11 m) tall and 100 ft (30.5 m) long and features both access doors front and rear. In order to achieve the thrust and the autonomy necessary for the use of four engines was necessary to start designing a new engine that foase with considerable efficiency.
Heavy Logistics System
Eventually specifications were definitively established by determining, in April 1964, the issuance of request for the provision of a "Heavy Logistics System" (heavy logistics system) (symbol CX-HLS, previously CX-X). In May 1964 the proposals received were designed for the aircraft from Boeing, Douglas, General Dynamics, Lockheed and Martin Marietta, and the engine by General Electric, Curtiss-Wright Corporation and Pratt & Whitney. After an initial screening were entered into contracts with Boeing, Douglas and Lockheed to run an extra year to study the structure of the aircraft, and with General Electric and Pratt & Whitney for the engines.
All three projects had similar characteristics. In particular, all had chosen to place the well deck above the cargo area to prevent, in the event of an accident, the same could slip toward the front by pressing the crew. Proposals Boeing and Douglas employed a "pod", located at the top of the fuselage, which contained the cabin, while Lockheed extended the space reserved for the crew in an area along the upper section, giving a characteristic egg shape. All projects included the adoption of a wing and arrow to load the front and rear doors to be able to run simultaneously loading and unloading. To configure the dell'impennaggio Lockheed chose a pattern T and Boeing and Douglas maintained a more traditional.
The Air Force considered the draft better than Boeing and Lockheed, but the latter had the lowest offer price. Lockheed was chosen as the winner in September 1965 and was awarded the contract in December 1965. The engine design was selected by General Electric in August 1965.
series production
The first C-5A Galaxy (number 66-8303) rolled off the Lockheed-Georgia Company (Gelacio) of Marietta, Georgia, March 2, 1968 and June 20 after he was flown for the first time, with the call-sign "eight-three-oh-three heavy" (8303H), beginning the series of preliminary tests to verify the overall reliability in flight conditions. The increased costs and technical problems of the C-5A was the subject of a congressional investigation in 1968 and 1969 The Lockheed C-5 program is remembered for the characteristic of being the first program to generate an extra cost of a billion dollars.
Upon completion of the test series the first C-5A was transferred to the Transitional Training Unit at Altus Air Force Base, in Oklahoma in December 1969. Galaxy Lockheed then delivered the first operational capacity to 437th Airlift Wing, based at Charleston Air Force Base, South Carolina, in June 1970. Because of the development costs higher than expected in June of 1970 there were contacts between the government and the military structure to divide the losses that Lockheed was making. The production was almost zero in 1971, Lockheed was going because of financial difficulties, partly due to the C-5 Galaxy, but also the civilian liner, the Lockheed L-1011.
In the early seventies, the C-5 was proposed to NASA as a suitable aircraft to fill the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft role to transport the Space Shuttle at Kennedy Space Center, but was also preferred the Boeing 747 due to its low-wing configuration. On the contrary, the Soviet Union decided to use the same role the Antonov An-225 high-wing, derived from An-124, which was the correspondent of the Soviet-American C-5.
During the static tests and fatigue cracks occurred in the wings before the completion of test cycles. Therefore all C-5A was imposed a reduction to 80% of the maximum load required by the design specifications and to limit the value of wing loading were introduced for additional technical measures. Since 1980, the ability to charged during normal missions in non-war were confined to the 50 000 lb (23 000 kg). To restore the full payload capacity and operational life in 1976 was initiated a program to replace the wings in 76 specimens of C-5A. After the project, and tests on the new wing of the C-5A were updated to the new standard between 1980 and 1987.
the first C-5B was delivered to Altus Air Force Base in January 1986. In April 1989, the last of 50 C-5B was added to the 77 C-5A cargo already in the structure of the USAF tactical transport. The C-5B included all the improvements introduced in the C-5A as well as numerous changes to improve reliability and ease maintenance.
in 1998, was launched a program to recover the full operational capabilities of the C-5 and equipping of major updating, adding that the C-17 Globemaster III without having to burden the U.S. defense budget for the purchase of new aircraft. Although August 2009 was still under discussion in Congress about its real effectiveness, the program has generated a new variant of which was given the official designation C-5M Super Galaxy .
The program is divided into two stages, is made with the initial Avionics Modernization Program (AMP), with the aim to upgrade the avionics on C-5 by introducing a glass cockpit, a new navigation equipment and a new autopilot. A second program, called the Reliability Enhancement and Re-engining Program (RERP), is aimed at updating the propulsion system and increase the efficiency and reliability re-equipped airplanes with new engines that give increased thrust.
Cm 4 Days Before Period
Some time ago, in a post , I wanted to communicate to all the average age of our team, and since then, with ' Thunder's arrival, the parameter is decreased to 32.7.
Under 20>
7.69% from 20 to 25>
37.36% from 25 to 30>
37.36% from 30 to 35>
10.99% from 35 to 40> 5.49
Over 40%> 1.10%
The results are these
Aggiungo peraltro, per onestà, che il concetto di team, nei softgunner americani non ha la pregnanza di significati, anche giuridici, che ha nel nostro paese...
In conclusion, the results, questionable as they are easily acquired, revealing an obvious and huge age difference between Americans and Italians.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Waxing Legs Games Online
Monday, February 14, 2011
I Have Pain In My Right Shoulder
However, we pulled up to the play, put two fugitives meanwhile, will see to the left, and Freddy Godfather. First, the agent was the corrupt, second, that of terrorism ... We are prepared, before the others, and then ran up the hill to hide, here they are right on the last photo, before the great escape ...
We gave him 15 minutes, the time for Mister, take a photo with followers, and the time to finish dressing and the final details, with the spread of instructions, rules etc etc.
And here, the poor souls that have had to run back, from left to right, up, Peter, Dredd, Stark, Thor, Zed, Alavec, Kratos, and, crouching, Thunder, and Matthew Last ...
the undersigned, given the usual eagerness to play, did not use tripod and self timer, as usual: D
Now, understand that the "hunt" I have very few photos, maybe in the next few days I receive more ...
However, my team, led by Dredd and consists of Thunder, and Alavec me, she took the job of patrolling the western part of the hill, an area full of dangerous hiding places, rocks and bumps.
The command team, meanwhile, went up quickly from the eastern side to comply DERE south fugitives. But the two hares, have fled even further to the east, there have been 3 sightings, where they have effectively applied the technique of "hit and run, and in fact, the second engagement, we lost two of our ...
Dredd and I, we had a shot for a few seconds ... With Freddy hit and run, I must say, I checked out some, paradoxical advantage of the fugitives. We had to proceed cautiously, while Dredd, with Thunder, began a fast tracking ... And then we also lost Thunder ...
Finally, we have not seen anyone or anything. Once in a conc a beautiful and unexplored, we were forced to withdraw to the command in the south ...
The two fugitives, have infiltrated among us, in short, comb, worked because we have pushed up pre-set positions, but, in the "frattume" variety, have disappeared ... We have also scoured the grave, but nothing, when there is hopefully more, Dredd, assetatissimo has pinched Godfather However that was coming to a nice welcoming committee. Too bad, but given the efforts of Dredd, I'd say he deserved it: D
Finally, Stark, announced after 180 minutes, the end of the game. Radio silence, Freddy is gone. Cry aloud that the game is closed, and here he comes out, a few yards away, was gone and he wanted at least half of us, under fire! A brief meeting of the forces in the field, stunned and resetting comments, for me, slings: D
played very hard and even though we took some pictures with the funny two fugitives eventually caught, though, for the sake of truth, have won them, indeed, with these temporary rules that we tested had swept! Some pictures of well-deserved break ... After the play test, we decided to make simple play with the flag, and here, I think, that we were able to shoot all and more ..
final few photos, below ...
February 13 - Create slideshows