A mature team ...
Last night, I had the pleasure to introduce our new Associate, Scorpion, talking, I realized that, for mountains of ideas, and the desire to do, is one of us ...
then reflected on the fact that, between us, there are boys, apart from the fact that we chose not to accept the card or minors, I am struck by the quality of our team.
clear that age, it is assumed, often is a sign of wisdom, but mica is always the case.
However, for those who keep this group from the inside, I can already say that there is a clear and obvious common footprint, a system of shared values \u200b\u200band clear ...
Add to that a passion for sports and a lively, how serious, playfulness, which is in contrast, the average age of which will give a brief account ...
love for soft, for this simulation game, and all those techniques that will revolve around, is the glue that unites the different souls of the team.
Within days, more than 50% of our members will be equipped with GPS, while a short, 100%, will be equipped with radio.
serious people, who engages in the various working groups, now almost all active and ready to give, each in his own competence, the maximum support ...
not only sporting development, we deal with, and groups di lavoro, infatti, sono grande occasione di crescita e sviluppo delle attitudini personali, oltrechè, scheletro e cuore dell'Associazione.
Ora, ho premesso che l'età, non è che dica tutto di un gruppo di persone; ma può essere un buon indicatore. E allora, mi sono messo giù i dati con excel, ed ho calcolato l'età media del gruppo.
Ebbene, ecco qualche dato dei Patriot
Età massima rilevata 50.4 anni
Età minima rilevata 21.3 anni
Età media Direttivo 32.0 anni
Età media Patriot 32.9 anni
Insomma, non siamo proprio dei pupi !!!
E per quanto ho visto fino ad oggi io, in questo sport, For me this is a huge asset for our team.
is not something that I want to cut to the very young, but in terms of safety and behavior, well, age helps, let's face it ...
regard, then, the "tone" and the movement, I can guarantee that the more mature partner, by birth, looks like a kid, like Fiorello short, just do not start the winter without a scarf! On the other hand, moves with his M60, like a dragonfly, dispensing BB in industrial quantities, it possino ....
Age, leads inevitably, in our partnership, a wealth of skills, professionalism, and ability to do, really impressive; age, is our hallmark, I can finally say ...
This data, obtained with the people who we are and I see the field and off the field, fills me with pride and confidence that can derail ever, by those ambitious goals we have set ourselves.
We are serious men eh, apart from someone running into the woods with the M60, vebbè ...
We are a young team, because it comes from a few months, yet we are a mature team, because the age and skills, are not those of the twenties, but those, of the 32.9-year-olds!
Great guys!
Well, okay, not quite guys: D PS
Launched SAM survey on
If you have problems to calculate the average age of the team proceed as follows; excel at making a subtraction between the date hereof, and the birth of each member (the result, expressed in numbers, is the age of the association itself in days), plus all the values \u200b\u200bobtained (days old) and divide the result by 365 and the number of members. Have you obtained, the average age of your team ...
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