Thursday, February 17, 2011

Symptons Liver Failure Parrots

C5 Galaxy (Part 2)

operational use

The first USAF C-5A was delivered December 17, 1969. Departments (Wings) were formed in the early seventies at Altus AFB, Oklahoma, Charleston AFB, the Dover AFB in Delaware, and Travis AFB, California. The first mission combat operations in the C-5 took place July 9, 1970 in Southeast Asia, as part of the Vietnam War, and remained operational throughout its course in missions of transporting troops and war equipment, including tanks and various aircraft. In addition, in 1973, the C-5 were used to transport arms and supplies to Israel as part of Operation Nickel Grass.

During the eighties the C-5A worship with a new wing to overcome problems of fatigue found in earlier models it regains its full operational capability expected from the original project. USAF tactical transport departments began to receive the first of 50 C-5B provided December 28, 1985. The complete avoidance order not end with the last one delivered in April 1989. The C-5 aircraft is the biggest I've ever worked in the Antarctic territory. The Williams Field, an airport located at McMurdo Station, is able to manage the operations of the C-5 and the first C-5 landed on its surface in 1989.

Since 2005, the USAF began to pick up the C-5A from operational service.

The first of 14 specimens, number 69-0004, was sent to Warner Robins Air Logistics Center (WR-ALC) to be tested and then dismantled. The estimates obtained from the tests served to assess the structural integrity of the airplane and to determine the operational life residua della flotta restante. I successivi 13 C-5A vennero inviati al Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group (AMARG) dell'USAF il primo dei quali, il numero 66-8306, subì il medesimo iter di quello inviato al WR-ALC mentre i restanti 12 esemplari vennero fatti oggetto di un programma di test non distruttivi finalizzati alla verifica delle soglie di affaticamento massimo e di corrosione.

Descrizione Tecnica

Il C-5 è un velivolo da trasporto dall'aspetto imponente, simile al predecessore Lockheed C-14 Starlifter, ma dalle dimensioni maggiori, caratterizzato principalmente dall'ala alta con un angolo di freccia positivo di 25 degrees, the plant based on 4 turbofan engine (or turbofan) TF 39 housed in as many engine nacelles mounted on pylons under wing and tail fin with a T. 12 are housed inside the wing fuel tanks and the aircraft is equipped for air refueling. It also has the access doors at both bow and stern to allow the passage of vehicles during the loading and unloading of cargo. Its load compartment measuring 121 ft (37 m) long, 13.5 ft (4.1 m) high, 19 ft (5.8 m) wide, with a total of 31,000 cu ft (880 m3), dimensions are likely to contain up to 36 standard 463L containers, or a mixture of materials on pallets and vehicles. The chamber load is a few inches longer than the route covered by the first powered flight in history, performed by the Wright Flyer. The opening of the doors front and rear access is such as to fully exploit the width and height of the hold and the ramps are of a width equal to the floor of the hold and allow you to take on a double row of vehicles.

There is an upper deck where they can sit up to 73 passengers, facing the tail and not the front, as happens in conventional passenger aircraft. At full load the Takeoff and landing are respectively 2500 m and 1500 m. The carriage of low pressure Landing on the runway, has 28 wheels better distribute the weight. The main landing gear rear casters to reduce the turning radius to maneuver in the ground and rotates 90 degrees to the horizontal position themselves after takeoff and before the retraction in the plane. During the loading and unloading, you can act on the truck to lower the height of the aircraft and facilitate the operations of transport equipment operating on the roadway.

The Galaxy has a self-diagnostic system with more than 800 data points called Madara ( Malfunction Detection Analysis and Recording ). The C-5 is also known by its crews FRED the initials of the phrase fucking ridiculous Economic / environmental disaster - fucked up, ridiculous economic disaster / environmental, because of its reliability problems and high fuel consumption. According to information released in 1996, it takes an average of 16 man hours of maintenance per flight hour. The Galaxy has a system known as Low Pressure Pneumatic System (LPPS) , namely low-pressure pneumatic system, which uses a turbine compressor driven by air bled from the compressors of the main engines and can provide a pressure of 150 psi necessary to inflate the tires to the ground.

The Galaxy is able to carry the United States to anywhere in the world almost every type of vehicle or system weapon of the U.S. military, including the M60A1 Armored Vehicle Launched Bridge (AVLB) gettaponte version of the M1 Abrams.


original version of the C-5 carried out in 81 departments USAF aircraft delivered between 1969 and 1973. Due to the occurrence of structural failure in the wing loading capacity was reduced, giving rise to a program that will generate the version of C-5B.
updated and changed in the wing structure, adopting a new wing of aluminum alloy, a new avionics system and a more powerful engine, the TF-39-GE-1C da 190 kN (43 000 lbf) di spinta. Realizzata in 50 esemplari riporta il C-5 alla piena operatività prevista in sede progettuale.
versione modificata del C-5 con dimensioni della stiva incrementate e destinata al trasposto di carichi di grandi dimensioni. Realizzata in 2 esemplari viene utilizzata dalla NASA per il trasporto di satelliti artificiali dagli stabilimenti di produzione alle strutture addette alla loro integrazione con i sistemi di lancio orbitale.
variante finale, attualmente in fase di valutazione, derivata da un programma che prevede la conversione di tutti i C-5B e C-5C e parte dei C-5A. Dotati di avionica ed equipaggiamenti dell'ultima generazione e di un nuovo impianto motore, i turboventola General Eletric CF6-80C2, presentano caratteristiche e prestazioni in linea con le odierne esigenze di trasporto strategico e, se approvati, sono destinati ad allungare la vita operativa dei C-5 negli anni a venire senza ricorrere all'acquisto di nuovi pari ruolo.


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