Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Waxing Legs Games Online

bbday - March 5, 2011 Sunday Afternoon

Ancora un post per ricordarvi che il 5 marzo è il bbday, il giorno in cui noi, e molti altri b&b sparsi per l'Italia, offriremo una notte gratuita a tutti quelli che ne will go to the hideout of Bacco two here.

If you want more information can be found here and we advise you to take part because it is just really nice opportunity to discover, save, many places throughout the peninsula.

But for us that time is more important because we are in full during the week of Carnival festivities in our area is really felt. If you come here we can watch the festival Bov Fint Offida for Friday, or the parade of groups in the historic center of Ascoli Piceno for Saturday and Sunday, or participate in the festivities in the theater and clubs in the area. So kill two birds with one stone and come to us for the carnival and save a night in with bbDay!


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